Duck Patrol

Duck Patrol was a short-lived British television comedy series that originally aired in 1998. Produced by LWT for the ITV network, it centered on a river police station by the River Thames. The series consisted of seven episodes: Flying Colours, Out to Grass, Occurrences, The Spirit of the Deep, Duck Turpin, River Rage, The Siege of Mallory Wharf.

Duck Patrol
Created byJan Etherington
Gavin Petrie
StarringRichard Wilson
Country of originUnited Kingdom
No. of series1
No. of episodes7
Original networkITV
Original release19 July 
30 August 1998

The script for the pilot episode 'Of Ducks and Men' was re-filmed with some changes to supporting cast and main cast uniforms, and retitled as 'Flying Colours' which then became the first episode of the following series.


Initial success and cancellation

The series unexpectedly proved to be a huge hit for ITV, which hadn't foreseen the show doing well, leading to a mass of black market t-shirts featuring lines from the series, and various other counterfeit merchandise, owing to the lack of genuine articles. A second series and a possible feature-film were both green lit; however both of these were eventually cancelled after the lack of a repeat for the first series saw the series fade from public consciousness. During Tennant's tenure as the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who, many episodes included Easter eggs and subtle references to Duck Patrol and his character of Darwin, with Tennant citing the series as his best work to date.

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gollark: Does anyone know of a 1.12 mod allowing silktouching of spawners?
gollark: Doesn't turing completeness require infinite space? I suppose the abstract model of redstone does have that.
gollark: Yes, that is long and poorly formatted.
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