
Dobaara is an upcoming Indian short film written and directed by Bejoy Nambair, produced by Shailja Kejriwal. It stars Manav Kaul and Parvathy Omanakuttan as leads of the film. Falling under the genre of Romance and Drama, Dobaara has a run time of 66 minutes and will be previewed under the Zeal For Unity festival 2016.


22-year-old Parvathy is a free-spirited girl who loves to live life on her terms. However, when she is left with no option but to tie the knot with a man of her parents’ choice, her life takes a 360 degree turn. Mohan and Parvathy migrate, and this marks the beginning of their new life together. But Mohan's priorities are clearly defined from the very start of their relationship. He invests all his time in his work. His intentions are pure; to build the perfect life for his family. But with a new addition to the family and as the years go by, Mohan gets further involved in his work. It is only after their son, Rohit, graduates that Parvathy decides to take a drastic step, shaking up her 20 years of marriage.

About the Director

Much before he set Bollywood abuzz with his directorial venture, Shaitan, Bejoy Nambiar was earning recognition for his critically acclaimed short films, Rahu and Reflections. A storywriter, screenwriter and director, Bejoy shot into the mainstream spotlight by participating and eventually winning Sony Pix's reality show, Gateway to Hollywood. His latest release Wazir starring Amitabh Bachchan and Farhan Akhtar is a tale of two unlikely friends, a wheelchair-bound chess grandmaster, and a brave ATS officer. But there's a mysterious, dangerous opponent lurking in the shadows, who is all set to checkmate them.



  • Written & Directed by Bejoy Nambiar
  • Produced By Shailja Kejriwal, Bejoy Nambiar
  • Co – Produced By Bhavya Sharma
  • Co – Produced by Priyesh Kaushik for Getaway Films
  • Associate Producer – Vikas Sharma
  • Project Head (ZEAL for Unity) – Jinesh Shah
  • Posters - Anto Mallick (uncredited)



gollark: <:dodecahedron:724894309316558888> updated.
gollark: Odd.
gollark: γγ is ng.
gollark: It's a long e sound.
gollark: No.

References - Zeal For Unity

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