Dinosaur Hour

Dinosaur Hour! (恐竜の時間) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hitoshi Shioya. It features short stories about dinosaurs in humorous situations. It is unique for featuring chapters only 7 or 8 pages long. It started publication in 2004, while the first (and only) volume was published in Japan in 2006, and is published in Japan by Poplar Publishing. Viz Media has released this volume in English as well.

Dinosaur Hour!
(Kyouryu no Jikan)
GenreComedy, family[1]
Written byHitoshi Shioya
Published byPoplar Publishing
English publisherViz Media
ImprintBomBom Comics


  1. "The Official Website for Dinosaur Hour!". Viz Media. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
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