Dhool Khurd

Dhool Khurd (دھول خورد) /du:l hɔ:rd/ is a village in Gujrat District of the Pakistani state of Punjab, 6 km northeast of Gujrat city. Khurd and Kalan Persian language word which means small and Big respectively when two villages have same name then it is distinguished as Kalan means Big and Khurd means Small with Village Name.This village is situated on Dinga-Gujrat road, right at the edge of the Bhimber creek. Lahore-IslamAbad G.T road is only 1 km away from this village. Dhool Khurd got its name from the “Dhool” clan of Jat's. The rest of clans of this village are; Jat Aaran, Jat Khokhar, Jat Virk, Jat Gondal and a huge number of non-agriculturalists. Dhool Khurd is part of Aadowal union council and has a strong political back ground. Many people from Dhool Khurd are settled abroad in various countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, Europe, Canada as well as Australia and most of them are operating businesses in the fields of trade, construction, transport, real-estate and manufacturing. Village Dhool Khurd is also famous for having highest number of employees in WAPDA. People of this village are helping, friendly and educated. Dhool Khurd has a population of approximately 4000 people with 300+ families. Some charismatic personalities from the village such as Ch Ansar Dhool and Ch Asif Dhool have made themselves well known in Gujrat city.

Dhool Khurd name board
Resident's of Dhool Khurd
Dhool Khurd (دھول خورد)/du:l hɔ:rd/
DistrictGujrat District
Time zoneUTC+5 (PST)

دهول جٹ

Aerial views of Dhool Khurd

Neighbouring villages

  • Rahmania
  • Dheru Ghuna
  • Sahanwal
  • Shahabdiwal
  • Changanwali


Government Boys Primary School Dhool Khurd

Government Girls Primary School Dhool Khurd

Government Girls High School Dhool Khurd

    gollark: Society does do some stuff which isn't exactly beneficial to sane thinking, at least, notably almost everything about schools.
    gollark: Which I don't know about, but it's clearer!
    gollark: It would probably be better expressed as "people are *naturally* not very good at being rational, regardless of what society does/has done".
    gollark: Somewhat, which is why I did not say it unqualified as I might have.
    gollark: Quality on that is apparently variable however.
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