
Devir (Turkish) Dawr دور (arabic). Is a concept in Alevism translated as cycle. It is the cycle to perfection (al-Insān al-Kāmil). It is described by many alevi saints and poets as Devriye. This concept goes together with Tenasuh (turkish) Tanasukh التَّنَاسُخ (arabic) meaning reincarnation and Tekâmül (Turkish) takāmul تكامل (Arabic) meaning spiritual evolution. It is often described with concepts as Wahdat al-Wujud and Wahdat al-mawjud. There are two sides to creation, one from a spiritual centre to plurality, another from plurality to the spiritual centre. When somebody dies in the Alevi community the dede en people from the community say: devri daim olsun (turkish) meaning may his/her cycle be complete.


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