Desafío (TV series)

Desafío is a Colombian reality competition television series produced by Caracol TV. In the show, contestants are isolated in an island and compete for cash and other prizes. The show uses a system of progressive elimination, allowing the contestants to vote off other members until only one final contestant remains and wins a cash prize.

GenreReality competition
Presented byMargarita Rosa (2004 – 2006, 2008, 2011 – 2016)
Victor Mallarino (2004 – 2005, 2009 – 2010)
Lina Marulanda & Juan Pablo Llano (2007)
Taliana Vargas (2009)
Toya Montoya (2010)
Juan Ignacio Velásquez (2011)
Catalina Aristizábal (2017 – 2018)
Andrea Serna (2019)
Country of originColombia
No. of seasons16
Running time42 minutes
Original networkCaracol TV
Original release2004 
Related showsExpredición Robinson
Other versions
External links

Although the show has been mostly produced by Caracol TV, other versions have been produced by GenTV and Univision. These two versions were produced in Florida and aimed to the Latin American audience in the United States.



Contestants are split in different groups of usually six to eight people each. The criteria for the division might vary from season to season. Some criteria used have been whether they had been in a previous season ("Sobrevivientes", and "Superhumanos"), if they were famous ("Celebridades"), age ("Cuchacos", "Pelados", and "Catanos"), social status ("Privilegiados", "Rebuscadores", and, "Llevados"), or where they came from ("Antioqueños", "Cachacos", "Cafeteros", "Costeños", "Emigrantes", "Santandereanos", and "Vallecaucanos")

Each group is given a unique name and an identifying color. These are used on flags, challenge courses, on-screen text and various other items. Each player is given an assortment of clothes with their respective colors and symbols. Players are required to wear the color of their group in a visible location at all times, allowing the audience to identify their affiliation. Upon switching groups (due to a merge or dissolution), players are required to give up their old clothes and obtain new ones in the new group's color.

Locations and beaches

Each group is assigned a different beach to stay. Each beach has different qualities and benefits:

  • Playa Alta/Oro has a luxurious cabin with beds, showers, bathrooms and a fully equipped kitchen. In some occasions, there are employees that prepare the meals for each contestant.
  • Playa Media/Plata features the bare necessities for living. Contestants have a wooden roof with hammocks to sleep. They are given pots and pans, knives, some food and tools to hunt and cook.
  • Playa Baja/Bronce features the worst conditions for the contestants to live in. Contestants have to build their own shelter or sleep in a cave. There is no food and the contestants have to eat fruits or try to hunt or fish what they can.

During each show, the groups have to compete in a challenge ("Desafío territorial") to decide which group will stay on each beach. As the show progresses and contestants are eliminated, the teams are merged into a single group and they are taken to Playa Fusión, which features commodities slightly better than Playa Media.


During each show, teams will play three separate challenges. The challenges are:

  • Desafío Territorial where the winning group receives the "keys" to "Playa Alta". The second and third place teams get the "keys" to "Playa Media" and "Playa Baja" respectively.
  • Desafío de Salvación
    • Desafío de Salvacion where the winning team gains immunity from elimination, plus, in some seasons, the chance to be judges at the final "juicio" or judgment.
    • Desafío a Muerte where the losing team is sent to "Juicio" to have one of their members eliminated.

Challenges vary from obstacle courses, to races, swimming matches, building puzzles, among many others.

El Juicio

"Juicio" (or "Judgment") is held after the ‘Desafío de Salvación’. Here, the group that lost the "Desafío Final" vote one person out of their team. Present at the judgment is the team that won the "Desafío de Salvación", who will serve as the judges. After a brief discussion of the events that led to that moment, each member of the losing team walks up to a table and secretly votes to eliminate a member of his team. After all members of the team have voted, the host counts the votes.

Originally, the judges voted to save a member of the other team. The strategy usually was to try to anticipate who the losing team would want to eliminate and save him/her. The next member with the most votes would then be eliminated. In 2008, the rules were changed and the judges were given the option to veto the choice of the other team to eliminate a member. If they veto, the losing team is forced to vote publicly for a second member to be eliminated. This is referred to as the "bloody vote". In 2009, a new rule was made. The losing team voted to eliminate a member of their team. Then, a second voting has to be done to choose a second member to be eliminated. Then, the judges decide which of the two "sentenced" members was eliminated.

In the event of ties, sometimes the judges get to choose which of the members of the losing team that are involved in the tie, is eliminated. Also, the members that are chosen to be eliminated are sometimes given a chance to vouch in front of the judges for their safety.

End of the game and prizes

When there are two contestants left in the game, they return to Colombia for one last show, along with the eliminated contestants. Here, the audience votes for the contestant they want to win the game. In 2008, the system was changed and it was the other contestants who voted for the winner. The winning contestant usually gets a prize in cash whereas the second place contestant gets a new car.


List of participants by year
Desafío 2004 - La Aventura
Celebridades Sobrevivientes Retadores
Paula Andrea Betancourt
Rafael Barrera
Paula Domínguez
Isabella Santodomingo
Mónica Londoño
Francisco Escobar
Carlos "El Pibe" Valderrama
Luisa Fernanda Bejarano
Mario Espitia
Juan Carlos Vargas
Iván Darío Correa
Leidy Farith Polo
Patricia Castañeda
Marlon Restrepo
Elsa Velásquez
Juan David Posada
Juliana Posso
Santiago Zuleta
Desafío 2005 - Cabo Tiburón, Colombia
Celebridades Sobrevivientes Retadores
Faustino Asprilla
Paula Domínguez
Vanessa Cañizales
Luigi Aycardi
Jean Pierre Mandonnet
Mario Alberto Caparroso
Héctor Buitrago
Cristóbal Echavarría
Álvaro Mesa
Catalina Acosta
Pedro Luis Falla
Mauricio Ochoa
Tatiana de los Ríos
Catalina Jaimes
María Victoria Ramírez
Carolina Sabino
Carolina Lizcano
Catalina Tarud
Desafío 2006 - La guerra de los estratos
Privilegiados Rebuscadores Llevados
Carolina Ángel
Angélica Aristizábal
Diana Maya
Gloria García
Eileen Moreno
Tatiana Rueda
Catherin Salazar
Mayerly Vásquez
Levia Peralta
Alfredo Varela
Gabriel Fernando Marín
Juan Carlos Camero
Juan Guillermo Zea
Diego Agudelo
Jorge Eliécer Pinto
Juan Miguel Camacho
Jorge Alberto Peláez
Manuel Horacio Velasco
Desafío 2007 - La Guerra de las Generaciones
Catanos Cuchachos Pelados
Alexandra DíazCarlos DíazgranadosCamilo Vega
Betty RosalesEdgar JaimesCindy González
Johanna CoteFernely GuerreroFabio Lesmes
John DossmanJair RomeroHarold Martínez
Jorge PazJaneth ValenciaIsabel Solís
Luis AriasLaura PuertaJohn Jairo Córdoba
Sandra AzueroMargot ÁlvarezNina Osswald
Víctor BenavidesSandra BermúdezSharon Durán
Desafío 2008 - La Lucha de las Regiones
Costeños Cachacos Vallecaucanos
Gustavo Fuentes Sonia Vanegas Clara María Cruz
Brígida Gutiérrez Mauricio González Diego Landaeta
Juan José Sierra María Julieth Ávila Gustavo González
Stephanie Carrillo Jorge Iván Giraldo Halem Castillo
Myriam Brant Carolina Trujillo Katherine Arango
Klein Contreras Andrés Alarcón María Isabel Franco
Juan Pablo Londoño Pedro José Orduz Lina María Ramírez
Desafío 2009 - La Lucha de las Regiones, La Revancha
Costeños Cachacos Emigrantes
John Jairo Larios Arlex Eduardo Ávila José Jesús Henao
Carlos Adolfo Ponnefz Andrés Gaitán Herrera Ludwig Harold Monoga
Jonathan Mulford Hebert Fabián Guzmán Didier de Jesús Castañeda
Marie Cristine Echávez Aydeé Patricia Galvis Jhovanna Ramírez
Anaís Gutiérrez Sofía Blanchet María Claudia Rubio
Stephanie Coymat Shirley Lorena Bermúdez Sandra Mendivelso
MaryLuz López Miguel Ángel Urrea Paola Andrea Rodríguez
Desafío 2010 - La Lucha de las Regiones, el Brazalete Dorado[1]
Costeños Sobrevivientes Paisas
Jonathan Cure Simonds Dayana Martínez Akemi Nakamura Gómez
Angélica María Duque Eider Guerrero Carolina Jaramillo
Bony Lim Rodríguez Eliana Ardila Cristian Leonardo Flores
Emerson Eloy Vásquez Karen Jiménez Daniel Alejandro Cortés
Martha Maturana Oscar Mahecha Luis Alfredo Rueda
Silvio José Carrasquilla William Vargas Natalia Rueda Montoya
John Jairo Escobar Temistocles Savelli Gina Daza
Desafío 2011 - La Lucha de las Regiones, La Piedra Sagrada
Retadores Paisas Sobrevivientes
Roland Bryan Edén
Óscar Muñoz
Andres Felipe Nieto
Diego Díaz
Daniel Tirado López
Yorlady Moreno León
Ceidy Lorena Gaitan
Luis Fernando Cardona
Jenny Liseth Machado
Hanny Marcela Mendoza
Tatiana Cristina Arango
Hector Manuel Osorio
Martha Bonilla
Nalu Sol del Mar Guerrero
Kelly Andrea Cadena
Carlos Mauricio Morales
Deicy Yamile Cárdenas
Jader Alexis Arizala
Farid Laverde
Klein de Jesús Contreras
Arlex Eduardo Avila
Desafío 2012 - El Fin Del Mundo
Cafeteros Cachacos Costeños Sobrevivientes
Aníbal Alberto Morales
Mauricio Iragorry
Rosa Paola Caiafa
Sergio Alejandro Arango
Carlos Ancízar Quintero
Roland Villegas
Sandra Victoria Mendoza
Jénnifer Alexa Caicedo
Luz Alba Sánchez
Julián David Agudelo
Pierine Yolieh Peñaranda
Ruby Alejandra Murillo
John Alexander Jiménez
Jenny Leidy Moreno
Robinson de Jesús Pérez
Carlos Eduardo Mejía
Vanessa Posada
Adriana Vargas
Dawis Martínez
Édinson Fernando Muñoz
Katherine Gómez
Sandra Milena Rojas
Martín Suárez
Silvia Vanessa Becerra
Desafío 2013 - África, El Origen
Celebridades Sobrevivientes Retadores
María Luisa Calle
Martín Suárez
Elizabeth Loaiza
Claudia Moreno
Daniel Cortés
Alejandro Herrera
Mónica Rodríguez
Stephanie Carrillo
Cindy Jiménez
Fabián Mendoza
Silvia Vanessa Becerra
Jaime Andrés Espinal
Hassam Gómez
Fabián Guzmán
Jonathan Aarón Hurtado
Gregorio Pernía
Carolina Jaramillo
Julián Alberto Árias
Juan David Agudelo
Halem Castillo
Lina María Quintero
Desafío 2014 - Marruecos, Las Mil y Una Noches
Celebridades Sobrevivientes Retadores
David García
Rosa Caiafa
Betsy Tobar
Adrian Lara
Elizabeth Loaiza
Carlos Hernández
Daniella Donado
Sandra Milena Rojas
David Henao
Mauricio Mejía
Ronald Villegas
Manuela Vásquez
Daniela Tapia
Oscar Muñoz
George Monti
Sebastián Caicedo
Carlos Díasgranados
Diana Peña
Martha Isabel Bolaños
Jorge Iván Giraldo
Wilder Zapata
Desafío 2015 - India, La Reencarnación
Tigres Elefantes Cocodrilos
Akemi Nakamura
Juan David Posada
Faustino Asprilla
George Monti
Marie Cristine Echávez
Pierine Peñaranda
Alejandro Herrera
Maryluz López Mantilla
Jonathan Aaron Hurtado
Tatiana Rueda
Hanny Mendoza
Jonathan Cure Simonds
Vanessa Posada
Hassam Gómez
Carolina Trujillo
Tatiana De los Ríos
Marlon Restrepo
Dawis Martínez
Julián Arias
Paula Andrea Betancourt
Tatiana Arango
Daniel Tirado
Rolando Patarroyo
Cindy Martínez
Desafío 2016 - Súper Humanos, Súper Regiones[2]
Antioqueños Vallecaucanos Cafeteros Cachacos Santandereanos Costeños
María Clara Ceballos
Angélik Hernández
Tomás Mejía Marulanda
Karoline Rodríguez
Juan Carlos Arango
Ángel Jesús Arregoces
Augusto Castro
Gustavo Molina
Esmeralda Amézquita
Eduar Salas
Leonardo Quintero
Karmen Mestre
Paola Usme
Leandro Cambindo
Guillola González
Jeysson Monroy
María Fernanda Bylander
Karen Bray
Sebastián Buitrago
Marcela Peña Salas
Alejandro Ortíz
Julián Duarte
Valentina Villamizar
Kevin Vega
Daniel Vanegas
José Miguel Cambindo
Carlos Andica
Milena Salcedo
Virgilio Elehazar Galeano
Juan Carlos Fuente
Johanna Vargas
Leidy Orozco
Paula Andrea Restrepo
Angie Hernández
Johanna Orozco
Mar Ballestas
Álvaro Vallejo
Edinson Angulo
Helver Emir Hernández
Miguel Ángel Sierra
Jonathan Lozano
Christian Rafael Maestre
Desafío 2017 - Súper Humanos, Cap Cana[3]
Antioqueños Vallecaucanos Cafeteros Cachacos Santandereanos Costeños Desterrados
Esteban Bernal
Alejandra Cañizares
Luis Giraldo
Victoria Sierra
Fabio Carreño
Dina Vergara
Tatiana Ussa
Mateo Carvajal
Óscar López
Camila López
Leidy Martínez
Andrea Fernández
Luz Elena Echeverría
Dúmar Roa
Valentina Ortiz
Jhon Jairo Mosquera
Yeni Arias
Camila Celemín
José Vargas
Ricardo Álvarez
Francisco Zuluaga
Juliana Jaramillo
Juan Olarte
Héctor Murillo
Daniel Méndez
Tatiana Cabeza
Alejandro Abomohor
Edith Rocío Ortega
Fausto Murillo
Luisa Hernández
Natali Gómez
Daniela Cardona
Jhonnatan Bulla
Frank Sáenz
Tatiana Ángel
Javier Argel
Desafío 2018 - Súper Humanos XV[4]
Antioqueños Vallecaucanos Cafeteros Cachacos Santandereanos Costeños Súper Humanos
Diego Posada
Ricardo Montaño
Mauricio Giraldo
Marisol Chaparro
Paola García
Óscar Muñoz
Camila López
David Trujillo
Belmer Ospina
Santiago Guarín
Witsmar Lucumí
Paola Santos
María Fernanda Aguilar
Mateo Carvajal
Laura Restrepo
Yeison López
Víctor Bobadilla
Laura Sin
Yaniz Valencia
Mike Wilches
Ángel Arregoces
Jonathan Betancur
Daniela Lozano
Manuela Arango
Marcela Rozo
Alexis Cuero
Sunny Doria
Karoline Rodríguez
Valeria Duque
Mónica Henao
Laura Suárez
Shadi Harb
Rodney Camargo
María Cristina Vergara
Óscar López
Shirley Atehortúa
Karen Cano
Violeta Struvay
David Bedoya
Fabián Gómez
Kevin Fuentes
Andrea Fernández
Desafío 2019 - Súper Regiones[5]
Amazónicos Antioqueños Cachacos Cafeteros Costeños
Lizeth Mendieta Villanueva
Verónica Zuluaga
Lina Franco
Ángela Lopera
Brynnis Joissy López Olivella
Diana Gil Bora
Maria Camila Cartagena
Diana Másmela
Tatiana Rincón
Lairen Bernier
Clever Alejandro Vargas
Daniel Velasquez Zuluaga
David Franco
Kevin Cárdenas
Jerry Karth
Free Wee Súarez
Juan Fernando Moncada Madrid
Alejandro Gómez Mapaná
Didier Mauricio Sepúlveda
Reikin Herrera
Llaneros Pastusos Santandereanos Tolimenses Vallecaucanos
Mayra Alexandra Muñoz
Karla Maya
Katherine Gonzalez
Natalia Vargas
Juliana Ocampo
Diana Carolina Camacho Tafur
Andrea Tatiana Morales
Daniela Arias
Viviana Rodríguez
Yenny Álvarez
Santiago Rodríguez
Juan David Dueñas Suárez
Yei Gamboa
Robert López
Wilber Rentería
Andrés Felipe Lazcano
Cristian López
Brian Aceros
Hernán Darío Guzmán Ipuz
Diego Fernando Lenis Calderón


The Colombian version is produced by Caracol TV and has been hosted by several celebrities. Each competition has a unique name, and lasts from 13 to 15 episodes.

#NameLocationOriginal teamsWinnerRunner(s)-upAudience
1Desafío 2004: La AventuraColombian's and Panama IslandsThree teams of sixPaula Andrea BetancourtMonica Londoño14.7
2Desafío 2005: Cabo Tiburón, Chocó, ColombiaCabo Tiburón, ColombiaTatiana de los RíosÁlvaro Mesa14.9
3Desafío 2006: Guerra de EstratosDominican RepublicAlfredo VarelaDiego Agudelo10.9
4Desafío 2007: La Guerra de las GeneracionesBocas del Toro Archipelago, PanamaThree teams of eightIsabel Solís MontoyaCamilo Vega8.6
5Desafío: La Lucha de las Regiones 2008Isla Contadora, PanamaFive teams of sixJuan Pablo LondoñoPedro José Orduz12.9
6Desafío: La Lucha de las Regiones, La Revancha 2009Bocas del Toro Archipelago, PanamaSix teams of sixDidier CastañedaLudwig Monoga13.5
7Desafío: La Lucha de las Regiones, El Brazalete Dorado 2010Eider GuerreroJhonattan Cure13.6
8Desafío: La Lucha de las Regiones, La Piedra Sagrada 2011Dominican RepublicMauricio MoralesJader Arizala12.4
9Desafío: El fin del mundo 2012El SalvadorJenny MorenoSergio Alejandro Arango14.0
10Desafío: África, el origen 2013SenegalThree teams of sevenCarolina JaramilloAlejandro Herrera13.1
11Desafío: Marruecos, las mil y una noches 2014MoroccoWilder ZapataManuela Vásquez11.1
12Desafío: India, la reencarnación 2015IndiaThree teams of eightVanessa PosadaPierine Peñaranda12.3
13Desafio: Los Superhumanos 2016Trinidad and TobagoSix teams of sevenÁngel Jesús ArregocesAugusto Castro11.6
14Desafío 2017: Superhumanos Cap CanaDominican RepublicSix teams of sixMateo CarvajalJhon Jairo Mosquera12.5
15Desafío 2018: Superhumanos, XVÓscar MuñozWitsmar Lucumí[nb 1]12.1
16Desafío 2019: Super RegionesTen teams of fourBrynnis Joissy López Olivella
Lairen Bernier
Jerry Karth
Reikin Herrera
Lizeth Mendieta Villanueva
Diana Gil Bora
Clever Alejandro Vargas
Free Wee Súarez

Other versions

Although the main version of Desafío is produced by Caracol TV for Colombian television, three other versions have been produced already.

Show name Produced by Grand Prize Broadcast years Seasons
Desafío 2006GenTV$100,00020061
Desafío: La Gran BatallaUnivision$100,00020101
Nomads GreeceANT1150,0002017
Juegos de voluntad BulgariaNOVA TV200,000 лв.2019


  1. Based on votes from the public hearing.[6] After details about controversy in its exact date of the final live.[7]
gollark: Heavpoot's Random World Thing™.
gollark: We don't have ProjectE.
gollark: NOT being horribly irradiated?
gollark: NOT having SCP-7812 instances there?
gollark: What do you want, any amount of resources spent on aesthetics?!


  1. "Desafío 2010: duelo de titanes". (in Spanish). February 21, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2010.
  2. "Así será el Desafío Súper Humanos 2016". Entretengo (in Spanish). June 27, 2016.
  3. "Llega una nueva versión del 'Desafío' con un botín de mil millones de pesos". Publimetro Colombia (in Spanish). Retrieved June 6, 2017.
  4. Entretengo (May 11, 2018). "Canal Caracol anuncia nueva temporada del Desafío Súper Humanos para el 2018" (in Spanish). Retrieved May 11, 2018.
  5. Noticias Caracol (May 3, 2019). "Con este impresionante comercial, anuncian la pronta llegada del Desafío con Andrea Serna" (in Spanish). Retrieved May 3, 2019.
  6. "¡Qué nervios! Se acerca el momento de conocer al ganador del #DesafíoSúperHumanos, ¿por quién votaste? | El Desafío on Twitter". Twitter. Retrieved September 17, 2018.
  7. "¿Final del 'Desafío súper humanos' ya estaba grabada?". Publimetro Colombia (in Spanish). Retrieved September 18, 2018.

See also

  • Expedición Róbinson (Colombia)
  • Survivor (U.S. TV series)
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