Danziger Höhe

The Danziger Höhe (i.e. Danzig Heights; Kreis Danziger Höhe) was an administrative district founded in 1887 and dissolved in 1939. The district administration was based in City of Danzig, which itself did not form part of the district but an independent city (Stadtkreis). The area Danziger Höhe covered is now within Poland.

Territory of West Prussia with district borders and the Danziger Höhe highlighted
Territory of the Free City with two urban districts (orange) and three rural districts (yellow), Danziger Höhe in the west


The district was formed from parts of the previous Danzig Rural District within the Danzig Region, West Prussia Province, within the Kingdom of Prussia, itself a part of Germany since 1871. In 1910, the district had 53,506 inhabitants, of which 23,955 were Protestant and 29,206 Roman Catholic. 9.7% had officially declared that they spoke the Kashubian language. When the regulations of the Treaty of Versailles became effective in 1920, the Danziger Höhe became a district in the new Free City of Danzig. The district was enlarged by a number of municipalities from neighbouring districts, which else were seized by the Second Republic of Poland as part of Polish Pomerania. After the German conquest, the district was merged in December 1939 in a new bigger district of the occupational government.

Component cities and towns

Towns and cities in the Danzig Heights district
Official name
official name
after 1945
population (year)statusarea part of Höhe
before part
of district
Adlig Groß Czapielken till 1923,
Schaplitz since
Wielki Czapielsk Szlachecki 164 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Königlich Czapielken in 19291920-1939Karthaus
AltdorfStara Wieś 52 (1910) municipality, then merged in Danzig City1887-1933Danzig rural
ArtschauArciszewo 103 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
BabenthalBabendollBabidół 133 (1910)
278 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1920-1939Karthaus
BangschinBendieszinBędzieszyn 174 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Praust in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
BankauBąkowo 235 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Jenkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
BarenhütteBaarenhütteBorowina 248 (1910)
287 (1929)
BechsteinswaldeKamionka 130 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Subbowitz in 19291920-1939Dirschau
BissauBiesowoBysewo 678 (1910) municipality, ceded to Kartuzy County1887-1920Danzig rural
Bölkau see: Klein Bölkau
BorgfeldBorkowo Łostowickie 343 (1910)
356 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
BorrenschinBoręcinBorzęcin 27 (1910) manorial ward; merged in Gischkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
BösendorfZławieśZła Wieś 138 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
BraunsdorfBłotnia 395 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
BrentauBrentowoBrętowo 1,179 (1910) municipality, merged in Danzig City1887-1933Danzig rural
BrösenBresenBrzeźno 2,504 (1910) town; merged in Danzig City1887-1914Danzig rural
Buschkau see: Ober Buschkau
CzapelnCzaple 121 (1910) manorial ward; ceded to Kartuzy County1887-1920Danzig rural
Czerniau till 1906,
Scherniau since
Czerniewo 254 (1910)
323 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Czerniau, Gutsbezirk till 1905,
Schwarzenfelde since
Czerniec 124 (1910) manorial ward; merged in Czerniau (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
DomachauDomachowo 118 (1910) manorial ward; merged in Saskoschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
EllerbruchOlszanka 239 (1910)
203 (1929)
EllernitzLniska 108 (1910) manorial ward; ceded to Kartuzy County1887-1920Danzig rural
EmausEmaus 2,217 (1910) municipality; merged in Danzig City1887-1934Danzig rural
GischkauJuszkowo 357 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
GlasbergSzklana Góra 299 (1910)
234 (1929)
GlettkauGletkowoJelitkowo 254 (1910) municipality, merged in Oliva in 1901, which again merged in Danzig City1887-1925Danzig rural
GluckauKlukowo 574 (1910) municipality, ceded to Kartuzy County[1]1887-1920Danzig rural
GoldkrugZłota Karczma 24 (1905)
39 (1929)
locality of Mattern (ceded to Kartuzy Cty in 1920) remaining, upgraded to municipality[2]1887-1939Danzig rural
GoschinGoschynGoszyn 212 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Klein Bölkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
GrenzackerBlizny 142 (1910)
114 (1929)
GrenzdorfGraniczna Wieś 279 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Groß BölkauGroß BillekawBielkowo 266 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Löblau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Groß Golmkau till 1929,
Golmkau since
Gołąbkowo 495 (1929) municipality1920-1939Dirschau
Groß Kleschkau till 1929,
Kleschkau since
Kleszczewo 219 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Groß Kleschkau, GutsbezirkKleszczewo 225 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Groß Kleschkau (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Groß PaglauPawłowo 493 (1910)
257 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1920-1939Berent
Groß SaalauŻuława 252 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Saalau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Groß TrampkenTrąbki Wielkie 428 (1910)
506 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Groß Trampken, GutsbezirkTrąbki Wielkie 133 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Groß Trampken (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
GuteherbergeLipiczLipce 418 (1910)
473 (1929)
municipality, merged in Danzig City1887-1939Danzig rural
HeiligenbrunnStudzienka 742 (1905) locality, merged in Danzig City1887-1902Danzig rural
Hoch Kelpin till 1929,
Kelpin since
Kiełpino Górne 251 (1929) municipality since merging Hoch Kelpin (man. wd.) and Smengorschin in 19081887-1939Danzig rural
Hoch Kelpin, GutsbezirkKiełpino Górne 246 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Hoch Kelpin (munic.) in 19081887-1939Danzig rural
HochstrießStrieszBystrzec Górny 1945-1948,
Strzyża Górna since
1,322 (1895)
3,399 (1905)
manorial ward, merged in Danzig City on 1 April 19021887-1902Danzig rural
HohensteinPszczółki 820 (1910)
1,188 (1929)
JenkauJanichowoJankowo Gdańskie 137 (1910)
505 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
JetauGroß JetauJagatowo 364 (1910)
314 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
JohannisthalDolinka 72 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Ober Buschkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
KatzkeKaczki 168 (1910) manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Kelpin see: Hoch Kelpin
KladauKladowKłodawa 491 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
KlanauKlonowo Dolne 455 (1910)
386 (1929)
municipality since merging Nieder Klanau and Ober Klanau in 19291920-1939Karthaus
Klein Bölkau till 1929,
Bölkau since
Bielkowo MałeBielkówko 856 (1910)
1,110 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Klein KelpinKiełpinek 142 (1910)
139 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality[3]1887-1939Danzig rural
Klein Kleschkau, GutsbezirkKleszczewko 158 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Langenau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Klein Saalau till 1929,
Saalau since
Żuławka 97 (1910)
498 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Klein TrampkenTrąbki Małe 220 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
KlempinKlępiny 161 (1910)
379 (1929)
Kleschkau see: Groß Kleschkau
KohlingKoloninekKolnik 350 (1910)
422 (1929)
KokoschkenKokoszki 215 (1910) manorial ward, ceded to Kartuzy County[4]1887-1920Danzig rural
Königlich Czapielken till 1923,
Königlich Schaplitz 1923-1929
Schaplitz since
Czapielsk KrólewskiCzapielsk 85 (1910)
263 (1929)
Konradshammer ConradshammerPrzymorze 279 (1910) locality, merged in Oliva in 1907, which again merged in Danzig City1887-1925Danzig rural
KowallKowale 202 (1910) municipality[5]1887-1939Danzig rural
LagschauLageschawŁaguszewo 173 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Klempin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
LamensteinElganowoEłganowo 711 (1910)
776 (1929)
LangenauLangnowoŁęgowo 937 (1910)
1,204 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
LeesenLeznoLeźno 302 (1910) manorial ward, ceded to Kartuzy County1887-1920Danzig rural
LissauLisewiec 125 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Klein Bölkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
LöblauLubelauLublewo Gdańskie 934 (1910)
1,277 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Maczkau till 1907,
Matzkau since
MatschkauMaćkowy 169 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Ohra in 1929, which later merged in Danzig City1887-1933Danzig rural
MaidahnenMajdany 131 (1910)
122 (1929)
MallentinMallenczynMalentyn 8 (1910) forest ward, merged in Klein Saalau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
MarienseePrzywidz 288 (1910)
426 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1920-1939Karthaus
MarschauMarszewyMarszewo 297 (1910)
258 (1929)
MatternMatarnia 300 (1910) manorial ward, ceded to Kartuzy County[6]1887-1920Danzig rural
MeisterswaldeMierzeszyn 832 (1910)
804 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Mittel GolmkauGołębiewo Średnie 217 (1910) municipality, merged in Groß Golmkau in 19291920-1939Dirschau
MüggauMiggauMigowo 152 (1910)
146 (1929)
manorial ward till 1922, then municipality, later merging in Danzig City[7]1887-1939Danzig rural
NenkauNenkowyJasień 234 (1910) manorial ward, merged partially in Hoch Kelpin and Schüddelkau in 1929[8]1887-1939Danzig rural
NeuendorfHochneuendorfNowa Wieś 366 (1910)
278 (1929)
NiedersommerkauKlein SzumprczieZąbrsko Dolne 117 (1910)
91 (1929)
NobelKonstantinopelNiegowo 116 (1910)
122 (1929)
municipality[9]1887-1939Danzig rural
Ober Buschkau till 1929
Buschkau since
Buszkowy 502 (1910)
709 (1929)
OberhölleOberhölPiekło Górne 144 (1910)
129 (1929)
OberhütteOberhütungHuta Górna 248 (1910)
209 (1929)
Kolbudy Górne
Kolbudy 348 (1910)
512 (1929)
ObersommerkauGroß SzumprczieZąbrsko Górne 256 (1910)
187 (1929)
OchsenkopfOssenkopCzęstocin 118 (1910)
208 (1929)
OhraOrunia 11,029 (1910) municipality, merged in Danzig City1887-1933Danzig rural
OlivaOliwa 9,346 (1925) municipality, merged in Danzig City1887-1925Danzig rural
Oliva, ForstOliwa-Leśniczówko 52 (1910)
125 (1929)
forest ward1887-1939Danzig rural
OstroschkenOstroszkenOstróżki 201 (1910)
214 (1929)
OttominOtomin 60 (1905)
82 (1929)
forest ward, ceded from Sulmin in 1907, upgraded to municipality in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
PietzkendorfPiecki 338 (1910)
357 (1929)
municipality[10]1887-1939Danzig rural
PomlauPomlewo 432 (1910)
365 (1929)
PostelauPostołowo 405 (1910)
432 (1929)
Prangenau till 1923,
Prangenau im Radaunetal since
Pręgowo 621 (1910)
576 (1929)
PrangschinPręgszynPrędzieszyn 234 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
PraustPruszcz 1945-1951,
Pruszcz Gdański since
2,841 (1910)
3,878 (1929)
municipality, merged in Danzig City in 1939[12]1887-1939Danzig rural
PrausterkrugPruska Karczma 9 (1910) forest ward, merged in Grenzdorf in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
RambauRębowo 82 (1910) manorial ward partitioned from Sulmin in 1907, merged in Schüddelkau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
RambeltschRębielcz 401 (1910)
663 (1929)
RamkauRambechauRębiechowo 538 (1910) municipality, ceded to Kartuzy County[14]1887-1920Danzig rural
RexinRekcin 158 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Klein Saalau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Richthof (old) see: Sulmin
Richthof (new)RychtowOtomin partitioned from Richthof (aka Sulmin, ceded to Kartuzy County), upgraded to municipality in 1923, merged in Ottomin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
RosenbergRozemberkRóżyny 474 (1910)
778 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
RottmannsdorfRothmanckeRotmanka 155 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
RussoschinRussoczynRusocin 205 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Langenau in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Saalau see: Klein Saalau
SaskoschinSaskoczinZaskoczyn 164 (1910)
247 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
SaspeZaspa 3,149 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Danzig City1887-1914Danzig rural
SchäfereiSzéperëjôOwczarnia 83 (1910) manorial ward, ceded to Kartuzy County[15]1887-1920Danzig rural
Schaplitz see: Königlich Czapielken
ScharfenortOstróżek 150 (1910)
172 (1929)
manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 1929[16]1887-1939Danzig rural
ScharshütteGromadzin 133 (1910)
109 (1929)
SchellmühlSzelmejaMłyniska 533 (1910) municipality, merged in Danzig City1887-1914Danzig rural
Scherniau see: Czerniau
SchönbeckMiłowo 371 (1910)
296 (1929)
Schönfeld bei DanzigŁostowice 407 (1910)
768 (1929)
municipality[17]1887-1939Danzig rural
Schönfeld, GutsbezirkŁostowice 88 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Schönfeld (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
SchönwarlingSchuwerinkenSkowarcz 691 (1910)
769 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
SchüddelkauSzadółki 262 (1910)
557 (1929)
municipality[18]1887-1939Danzig rural
Schwarzenfelde see: Czerniau, Gutsbezirk
SchwarzhütteCzarnahutaCzarna Huta 116 (1910)
108 (1929)
SchwintschŚwińcz 198 (1910)
362 (1929)
manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
SenslauŻenisławkiŻelisławki 249 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Rambeltsch in 19291920-1939Dirschau
SmengorschinSmęgorzyno 65 (1905) manorial ward, merged in Hoch Kelpin in 1908[19]1887-1939Danzig rural
SobbowitzSobowidz 155 (1910) manorial ward till 1929, then municipality1920-1939Dirschau
StangenwaldeStęgwałdJodłowno 207 (1910)
201 (1929)
StraschinStraszyn 279 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Straschin-PrangschinStraszyn PrędzieszynStraszyn 885 (1929) municipality since merging Artschau, Prangschin, Rottmannsdorf and Straschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
StrauchhütteStrukhutaKierzkowo 313 (1910)
268 (1929)
StrippauStrzepowoTrzepowo 377 (1910)
422 (1929)
Strippau, GutsbezirkStrzepowoTrzepowo 78 (1910) manorial ward, merged in the homonymous municipality in 19291920-1939Berent
Sukczyn till 1894,
Suckschin since
Żukczyn 349 (1910)
331 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Sulmin till 1908,
Sulmin since
Sulmin 270 (1910) manorial ward till 1907, then municipality, ceded to Kartuzy County1887-1920Danzig rural
TiefenthalDypendalRoztoka 172 (1910)
121 (1929)
TrampkenTrąbki 7 (1910) forest ward, merged in Groß Trampken (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
TrockenhütteSuchahutaSucha Huta 301 (1910)
242 (1929)
UhlkauUlkowy 259 (1910)
241 (1929)
manorial ward till 1920, then municipality1920-1939Dirschau
Unter BuschkauBuszkowy Dolne 156 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Ober Buschkau in 19291920-1939Karthaus
WartschWarcz 309 (1910)
294 (1929)
municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
Wartsch, GutsbezirkWarcz 66 (1910) manorial ward, merged in the homonymous municipality in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
Schweinebude till 1889,
Wiesenthal since
Swienie BudyDrzewina 149 (1910)
153 (1929)
WonnebergWujeściskoUjeścisko 742 (1910)
990 (1929)
manorial ward, merged in Straschin-Prangschin in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
WoyanowWojanowo 176 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Schwintsch in 1929, and was redistricted to Praust in 19351887-1939Danzig rural
ZankenzinZankenczynZakoniczyn 143 (1910) manorial ward, merged in Schönfeld (munic.) in 19291887-1939Danzig rural
ZigankenbergGóra Cygańska 155 (1910) locality, merged in Danzig City1887-1902Danzig rural
ZipplauCieplewo 155 (1910) municipality1887-1939Danzig rural
ZoppotSopot 155 (1910) upgraded to independent city (urban district)1920, 10 January to 25 MarchNeustadt
gollark: You're server staff?
gollark: * tweaking
gollark: You would just run the same algorithms but on the surface and surface coordinates instead. Maybe with minor tweaing.
gollark: Latitude and longitude.
gollark: Easy enough, split it into nonrectangular pixels.


  1. In 1973 Klukowo merged in Gdańsk City.
  2. In 1954 Złota Karczma merged in Gdańsk City.
  3. In 1973 Kiełpinek merged in Gdańsk City.
  4. In 1973 Kokoszki merged in Gdańsk City.
  5. In 1973 Kowale merged in Gdańsk City.
  6. In 1973 Matarnia merged in Gdańsk City.
  7. In 1945 Migowo was reconstituted as municipality, only to remerge in Gdańsk City in 1954.
  8. In 1973 Jasień merged in Gdańsk City.
  9. In 1954 Niegowo merged in Gdańsk City.
  10. In 1942 Pietzkendorf merged in Danzig City.
  11. In 1973 Postołowo merged in Gdańsk City.
  12. In 1945 Pruszcz was reconstituted as municipality.
  13. In 1973 Rębielcz merged in Gdańsk City.
  14. In 1973 Rębiechowo merged in Gdańsk City.
  15. In 1973 Owczarnia merged in Gdańsk City.
  16. In 1954 Ostrożek merged in Gdańsk City.
  17. In 1973 Łostowice merged in Gdańsk City.
  18. In 1973 Szadółki merged in Gdańsk City.
  19. In 1973 Smęgorzyno merged in Gdańsk City.


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