Damping torque
Damping torque is provided by indicating instrument. Damper is a generic term used to identify any mechanism used for vibration energy absorption, the shaft vibration suppression, soft start and overload protection device. In order to design an efficient damper, it is imperative that the damping torque is calculated first. Damping torque or damping forces is the speed deviation of an electromechanical torque deviations of a machine while the angle deviation is called synchronizing torque [1].
In a measuring instrument, the damping torque is necessary to bring the moving system to rest to indicate steady reflection in a reasonable short time. It exists only as long as the pointer is in motion. Under the absence of damping torque the pointer oscillates for a short period of time and comes to steady position and this situation is called under damping. If the damping force is too large, then the pointer will come to rest slowly and this is called as over damping.[1]
- Ghosh, Smarajit (2005). Fundamentals of Electric and Electronics Engineering. India: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. p. 293. ISBN 81-203-2316-5.
1. Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006. IEEE, 10.1109/PES.2006.1709001