DS Logon

DS Logon (DoD Self-service Logon or DSL) is a secure, self-service logon ID created by the Defense Manpower Data Center as an enterprise identity credential that allows individuals affiliated with the Department of Defense (DoD) or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) access to several websites using a single username and password. A DS Logon supports the Personnel Identity Protection (PIP) Directive and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) e-Authentication guidance providing a high level of authentication assurance in situations where Common Access Card (CAC) authentication is not available.

Winner - 2013 GCN Awards for IT Achievement in Government


As part of the eAuthentication initiative in 2006, DMDC created Family Account to be the main authentication method for Beneficiary self-service applications such as Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE).


  1. Authenticating individuals
  2. Providing unique authorization attributes
  3. Providing a portable identification credential

These objectives are explained further below.

Authenticating individuals

DS Logon ensures that DoD identification credentials are provided only to personnel with a current and appropriate affiliation with the DoD or VA. DS Logon serves as an identity credential within the DoD and VA for individuals unable to obtain a CAC (DoD) or PIV (VA) credential.

Provide unique authorization attributes

DS Logon can be customized to provide unique authorization attributes for each website accepting the credential. Attributes include, but are not limited to:

  • Credential Level
  • DoD Entitlements
  • PII data

Providing a portable identification credential

DS Logon provides a robust, portable credential to individuals requiring access to DoD or VA systems for the purpose of self-service.

Sites accepting DS Logon credential today

As of 30 May 2018, these sites accept the DS Logon credential:

Links to each site listed below are found at the DS Logon Help Center page.

  • Army Career Tracker (ACT)
  • Army Training Network (ATN)
  • ArmyFit
  • Behavioral Health Data Portal (BHDP)
  • Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE)
  • Defense Research, Surveys and Statistics Center (RSSC)
  • DoD Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO)
  • DoD Transition Assistance Program (TAP) for Service Members and Veterans
  • Florida National Guard (FLNG) - Education Dollars for Duty (EDD)
  • General Officer Management Office (GOMO)
  • HealthNET - Military Healthcare for the TRICARE North Region
  • Humana - Military Healthcare for the TRICARE South Region
  • ID Card Office Online (IDCO)
  • Joint Qualification System (JQS)
  • MHS GENESIS Patient Portal
  • milConnect
  • Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA)
  • My Army Benefits
  • My Air Force Benefits
  • Navy Digital Library
  • Regional Proficiency Assessment Tool (RPAT)
  • Soldier for Life - Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP)
  • TRICARE Dental Program (United Concordia)
  • TRICARE Online
  • TRICARE Overseas
  • TRICARE Pharmacy Program Services (TPharm)
  • TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS)
  • U.S. Army - Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
  • U.S. Army Human Resources Command - Integrated Web Services (IWS)
  • U.S. Army Human Resources Command - PORTAL
  • U.S. Army Human Resources Command Website
  • UHC Military West - Military Healthcare for the TRICARE West Region
  • VA Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (AHOBPR)
  • VA Authorization Management System (AMS)
  • VA eBenefits
  • VA e-Signature (ESIGDEMO)
  • VA Million Veterans Program (MVP)
  • VA Mobile Health Platform Web
  • VA My HealtheVet
  • VA Remote Order Entry System (ROES)
  • VA Remote Veteran Appointment Request (VAR)
  • VA Veterans Online Application (VOA)
  • VA Virtual Medical Center (VMC)
  • VA.gov/einsurance
  • Va.gov
gollark: I manage my servers over SSH, it's very convenient.
gollark: For example, mouse input (this is available but not very well supported), image display, more styling, sort of thing.
gollark: What would be neat is terminal-type applications with better interactivity.
gollark: GUIs can be more intuitive for some tasks, though.
gollark: How long did the testing take? If it was a long one, then I'd expect the desktop CPU to do better because of thermal throttling.
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