Dōjō kun

Dōjō kun is a Japanese martial arts term literally meaning (training hall) rules.[1][2][3][4] They are generally posted at the entrance to a dōjō or at the "front" of the dojo (shomen) and outline behaviour expected and disallowed. In some styles of martial arts they are recited at the end of a class.[5]

Shotokan Karate

Generally credited to Gichin Funakoshi (but rumoured to have been created by Kanga Sakukawa, an 18th-century Okinawan karate proponent) the Shotokan Karate dojo kun serves as a set of five guiding principles, recited at the end of each training session in most styles, intended to frame the practice within an ethical context.[6]

The five rules are:[7]

一、人格 完成に 努める こと
hitotsu, jinkaku kansei ni tsutomeru koto
jinkaku = personality, kansei = complete (perfect), ni = to, tsutomeru = endeavour
hitotsu, makoto no michi wo mamoru koto
makoto = truth, no = 's, michi = path, wo = with respect to that, mamoru = defend
hitotsu, doryoku no seishin wo yashinau koto
doryoku = effort, no = ’s, seishin = spirit, wo = with respect to that, yashinau = cultivate
hitotsu, reigi wo omonzuru koto
reigi = courtesy, wo = with respect to that, omonzuru = honour
hitotsu, kekki no yū wo imashimuru koto
kekki = vigor (impetuousness), no = of, yu = courage, wo = with respect to that, imashimuru = refrain

The word Hitotsu means "one" or "first" and is prepended to each rule to place it at the same level of importance as the others. The word koto which ends each rule means "thing" and is used as a conjunction between rules. Also, the Japanese no indicates possessiveness and is equivalent to the English 's e.g. doryoku no seishin = effort's spirit = the spirit of effort. wo (and wa) is used to indicate that the preceding element is the subject of the sentence e.g. X wo Y = with respect to X, Y. Finally, the word imashimuru seems archaic, however, it contains the radical 戒 that means admonition and is usually translated as refrain.


Varying translations and interpretations of the dojo kun exist. Each translation differs in the terms used and the interpretations vary regarding the philosophical depth, meaning, and intention.

The population of English karate practitioners has pushed one form of the translation into being the most widely accepted outside Japan. Generally, the English translation states:

  • Each person must strive for the completion and perfection of one's character
  • Each person must be faithful and protect the way of truth
  • Each person must endeavor (fostering the spirit of effort)
  • Each person must respect others and the rules of etiquette
  • Each person must refrain from hot blooded behavior (guard against impetuous courage)

A more terse translation is used by the ISKF, IKA and JKA:

  • Strive for completion of character (or Seek perfection of character)
  • Be Faithful
  • Endeavor
  • Respect others
  • Refrain from violent behavior

An even more terse translation used in some clubs (often repeated towards the end of class by the students)

  • Character
  • Sincerity
  • Effort
  • Etiquette
  • Self-Control

The dojo kun also appears in various other martial arts styles, with alterations according to the general precepts of that style.

Goju Ryu

Depending on your variant of Goju Ryu there are alternative Dojo Kun.

The leading "Hitotsu" roughly means "number one", or "first" -- meaning that while they are generally used in the order listed, no one item is more important than another. [8]

For the Okinawan Goju Ryu of Eiichi_Miyazato or Teruo Chinen, as published on the walls of their dojo, the Dojo Kun consists of eight rules and are (in English) as follows:[9]

  • Hitotsu: Be humble and polite.
  • Hitotsu: Train considering your physical strength
  • Hitotsu: Practice earnestly with creativity.
  • Hitotsu: Be calm and swift.
  • Hitotsu: Take care of your health.
  • Hitotsu: Live a plain life.
  • Hitotsu: Do not be too proud or modest.
  • Hitotsu: Continue your training with patience.

The translation above is from Teruo Chinen's dojo, the Miyazato version is slightly different. [10]

For other variants, including IOGKF, there are six rules and are (in English) as follows:[11]

  • Hitotsu: Respect others.
  • Hitotsu: Be courageous.
  • Hitotsu: Train your mind and body.
  • Hitotsu: Practice daily and protect traditional karate-do.
  • Hitotsu: Strive to reach the essence of Goju Ryu.
  • Hitotsu: Never give up.


The dojo kun Ryu-te are, in Japanese, the same as those used in Shotokan. The English translation used is as follows:

  • Strive for good moral character.
  • Keep an honest and sincere way.
  • Cultivate perseverance through a will for striving.
  • Develop a respectful attitude.
  • Restrain physical aggression through spiritual attainment.


In Bushido the Dojo Kun consists of five rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier.
  • Courage is essential since the trait of the fighting man is his spirit to win.
  • Valor is a trait to be admired and encouraged in the modern warrior.
  • Faithfulness in keeping one's word.
  • Simplicity is a samurai virtue.

Budōkan Karate

In Budōkan Karate the Dojo Kun consists of four rules and are (in English) as follows:

  • Show courtesy, respect and honesty towards others.
  • Develop confidence through knowledge, honesty and strength.
  • Never use violence for personal gain.
  • Seek perfection of character.

Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate

Dojo Kun from the founder of Shorinjiryu Kenkokan Karate, Kaiso Dr. Kori Hisataka, are:

  • Maintain propriety, etiquette, dignity and grace
  • Gain self-understanding by tasting the true meaning of combat
  • Search for pure principle of being: truth, justice, beauty
  • Exercise a positive personality, that is to say: confidence, courage and determination
  • Always seek to develop the character further, aiming towards perfection and complete harmony with creation.


The Shotokan Dojo Kun was derived from Gichin Funakoshi's The Twenty Guiding Principles of Karate, or niju kun, by JKA officials.[12] It is used by many as a condensed form of Sensei Funakoshi's 20 precepts.

(the below is someone's opinion. The obvious omission of anything relating to physical practice indicates it is not totally honest): In Shotokan or any other styles, the main purpose of learning karate is

  • to practice courtesy
  • be able to speak out (Increase self-confidence)
  • train focus to reach objectives
  • train guidance ability
  • train resistance against pressure
  • train speaking ability
  • train spirit of strive
  • train harmony characteristic
  • success or failure is not important

(the below is also someone's opinion): The three most important spirits in dojo are:

  • say yes to obey
  • say thanks to appreciate
  • say sorry to increase introspection
gollark: Tell them that I can do at least two of those things.
gollark: Ask them what those skills are and how they know that.
gollark: I ask for them to hire me to help keep the shop.
gollark: I ask them what this involves, as they appear to be retaining the shop anyway.
gollark: I ask them what they would be doing instead of talking to me, then, if I am apparently "wasting“ their time.


  1. Inc, Active Interest Media (1 September 1981). "Black Belt". Active Interest Media, Inc. Retrieved 13 February 2017 via Google Books.
  2. Thompson, Chris (1 January 2008). "Black Belt Karate". New Holland Publishers. Retrieved 13 February 2017 via Google Books.
  3. Hicks, Terry Allan (1 January 2011). "Karate". Marshall Cavendish. Retrieved 13 February 2017 via Google Books.
  4. Stilton, Geronimo (1 December 2011). "Geronimo Stilton #40: Karate Mouse". Scholastic Inc. Retrieved 13 February 2017 via Google Books.
  5. "SHOTOKAN International Shotokan Karate Federation". Archived from the original on 29 January 2017. Retrieved 13 February 2017.
  6. Clayton, Bruce D. (1 January 2004). "Shotokan's Secret: The Hidden Truth Behind Karate's Fighting Origins". Black Belt Communications. Retrieved 13 February 2017 via Google Books.
  7. 日本空手松涛連盟(JKS) 道場訓解説 Archived August 30, 2010, at the Wayback Machine
  8. Personal Communication from Teruo Chinen 1995
  9. "Teruo Chinen's Dojo Kun". Retrieved 16 March 2017.
  10. "Jundokan Doju Kun". Retrieved 22 February 2018.
  11. "IOGKF Dojo Kun". Retrieved 22 February 2018.
  12. "Philosophy". Retrieved 13 February 2017.
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