Crescent Beach, Lockeport, Nova Scotia

Crescent Beach in Lockeport, Nova Scotia, Canada is a white sand beach causeway that connects the peninsula of Lockeport to mainland Nova Scotia. Due to the town's proximity to the beach and closeness to major shipping lanes, Lockeport is often referred to as the 'Beachtown of the North Atlantic'. Crescent Beach was featured on the Canadian 1954 series fifty-dollar bill. The scenery on the bill depicts a stormy day at Ginger Hill.

A seascape scene based on a photograph of Crescent Beach was engraved by Warrell Alfred Hauk for the $50 banknote of the 1954 Series

Crescent Beach Centre

The Crescent Beach is also home to a world class interpretative centre. Its displays include a history of the town, First nation's fishing techniques, and a collection of marine oddities, such as swordfish eyes, and shark jaws. There is a rich selection of artifacts on hand, and the collection is extremely family friendly, there are also a number of interactive exhibits for children and adults!

In addition to the interpretive centre, the Crescent Beach Centre is also home to a fully equipped visitor information centre, including brochures, travel councilors, and public access computers.

The grounds of the building boast showers, changing rooms, and a canteen that serve visitors to the beach, along with a large garden of indigenous flowers.

To round off the complete experience, there is a gift shop that specializes in natural and environmentally responsible gifts.

gollark: `q = pb(t, x, y)(a)` ← RLWE example code.
gollark: ALL THE MODS!
gollark: Mods > random vanilla stuff.
gollark: ```alternating-flux [0.12.2-1].jarapplied-energistics-2 [rv6-stable-3].jarautoreglib [1.3-20].jarbaubles [1.12-1.5.2].jarbetterfps [1.4.8].jarbitcoin [1.12.2-1.1.0].jarbotania [r1.10-357].jarcapability-adapter [1.0.1].jarcodechicken-lib [1.12-].jarcofh-core [1.12.2-].jarcofh-world [1.12.2-].jarcompact-machines [1.12.2-3.0.12-b215].jarcomputercraft [1.80pr1.10].jarcubic-chunks [1.12.2-0.0.902.0].jarcubic-chunks-worldgen [1.12.2-].jarfoamfix [0.10.2-1.12.2].jarforgelin [1.8.0].jarftb-lib [].jarftb-utilities [].jargregtech-ce [1.12.2-1.0.124].jarhwyla [1.8.26-B41_1.12.2].jarimmersive-cables [1.12.2-1.3.2].jarimmersive-engineering [0.12-86].jarimmersive-petroleum [1.12.2-1.1.9].jarjei [1.12.2-].jarmantle [1.12-].jarmcjtylib [1.12-3.0.6].jarmekanism [1.12.2-].jarmekanism-generators [1.12.2-].jarmemory_repomoar-boats [].jarnuclearcraft [2.12f-1.12.2].jaropencomputers [1.12.2-].jarplethora-peripherals [1.12.2-1.1.13].jarplustic [].jarportality [1.12.2-1.2.1-13].jarpsi [r1.1-59].jarquark [r1.5-130].jarrandom-psideas [1.9c].jarredstone-flux [1.12.2-].jarrftools [1.12-7.57].jarrftools-power [1.12-1.1.1].jarskyblocks [0.1.0-beta-1.12].jarspeed-based-fall-damage [1.0.2].jarthermal-dynamics [1.1.2-].jarthermal-expansion [1.1.2-].jarthermal-foundation [1.1.2-].jarthermal-innovation [1.1.2-].jartinkers-construct [1.12.2-].jartis-3d [1.12.2-].jarvanillafix [1.0.9-97].jarworldedit [mc1.12-6.1.8].jarxaeros-minimap [1.15.8].jar```
gollark: These blocks of radioactive materials look nice. I should use those.

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