Cowcow is a Japanese comedy duo managed by the entertainment conglomerate Yoshimoto Kogyo who perform manzai comedy. The members, Yoshi (善し, born Yoshi Yamada (山田 與志, Yamada Yoshi), October 19, 1974), the tsukkomi of the group, and Kenji Tada (多田 健二, Tada Kenji, born August 8, 1974), the boke, are both from Osaka Prefecture. They have been guests on quite a few TV variety shows, such as Mecha-Mecha Iketeru!.
Cowcow won the best newcomer award at the 36th Kamigata Manzai Awards in 2001.[1]
gollark: What of an *actual* iron dome?
gollark: What? That's $106500 a child. They could probably rent each an individual apartment somewhere for that much.
gollark: When I attempted to be involved in the democratic process™ by complaining to my local politician about a thing their government had done, I got no useful response out of it. I don't think it's worth the time.
gollark: You seem to be able to actually remain motivated to study interesting maths and such. I get distracted from anything like that *very* easily and can only really do it in very small chunks.
gollark: This is also irrelevant because a micronation doing this could just not tax it.
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