Christophe Bourseiller
Christophe Bourseiller (French pronunciation: [buʁsɛje]; original name: Christophe Gintzburger-Kinsbourg; born 27 September 1957 in Paris) is a French actor, writer, freemason[1] and journalist. He began as a child actor and starred in Yves Robert's War of the Buttons (La Guerre des boutons) in 1962 on his debut.[2] He made several appearances on stage in the late 1970s and early 1980s and again in 2005 and 2006.
His father, André Gintzburger said Kinsbourg (1923-2013), is a playwright and theater producer 2 . Her mother Chantal Darget (1934-1988), daughter of journalist Claude Darget is actress 3 . He subsequently for father-in-law the director Antoine Bourseiller (of which he adopts the patronymic name of pen) and for half-sister the rejoneadora Marie Sara 4 .
From the age of four, he appears in cinemas in War of the Buttons , the film by Yves Robert 4 . He then directed Jean-Luc Godard , Claude Lelouch , Jacques Demy and Pierre Jolivet . It is found in the credits of about thirty films, about twenty telefilms 4 and on the poster of several plays.
At the same time, he pursues a career as a writer , journalist , radio and television man. He has published thirty books on topics as diverse as: minority movements, political extremism , the against-culture , the industrial music and the new wave of the 1980s 4 .
Nearly a time of milieux of extreme left 5 , it dedicates, in 1996, a work to the French Maoists entitled The Maoists: The Folle History of the French Red Guards .
On the radio, he began by creating in 1981 the free radio Frequency arts and shows . On France Musique , he co-produced a weekly program, launched in 2005 and dedicated to avant-garde music: Electromania 6 , and animated the morning for two seasons from 2011 to 2013 7 . On television, after having presented several programs since 1984, he becomes editorial advisor of the program Ce soir (ou jamais!) Until July 2011 8 . He also participates in a historic program L'Ombre d'un Doubt on FR3 on Wednesdays on two, hosted by the presenter Franck Ferrand ,
In 2001, he published a review of studies on the Situationist International : Éditions Denoël : Archives and Situationist Documents , five issues of which will appear until 2005 9 . In 2009, he was behind the "Who Are You? ", By Bourin Éditeur .
Since 2003, he has taught at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris and at Sciences Po Lille. He is also preparing a PhD thesis at the Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University on Les Mouvements collaborationnistes français from June 1944 to December 1950 under the direction of Pascal Ory 10 , 8 , 11 .
Since childhood, Christophe Bourseiller has been collecting leaflets and propaganda documents. He entrusted thousands to the Institute of Social History in Amsterdam . He also collects, among others, rare and newspapers [ref. Required] .
In 2014, he participated in the second season of the program Les Pieds dans le plat on Europe 1 as a columnist. Since September 7, 2014, he also produces on Musique Musique the program Musicus Politicus , which deals with the links between music and politics 12 . He is finally chronicler in La Bande originale, on France Inter.
- 1984 : Une scène jeunesse, Éditions Autrement
- 1989 : Les Ennemis du système, Éditions Robert Laffont
- 1991 : Extrême Droite, l'enquête, Éditions François Bourin (Éditions du Rocher, 2002, La Nouvelle Extrême Droite)
- 1993 : Les Faux Messies, Éditions Fayard
- 1995 : Message Reçu, Éditions Spengler
- 1995 : Mauvais Garçons (en collaboration), Éditions Spengler
- 1996 : Les Maoïstes, la folle histoire des gardes rouges français, Éditions Plon
- 1997 : Cet Étrange Monsieur Blondel, Éditions Bartillat
- 1998 : Les Écrivains et l'engagement (en collaboration), Bibliothèque publique d'information
- 1999 : Le Guide de l'Autre Paris, Éditions Bartillat
- 1999 : Vie et Mort de Guy Debord, Éditions Plon (Pocket, 2002)
- 2000 : Le Miracle inutile, Éditions Flammarion
- 2000 : Dictionnaire du rock (en collaboration), Éditions Robert Laffont
- 2000 : Les Forcenés du désir, Éditions Denoël
- 2001 : Le Guide de l'Autre Londres, Éditions Bartillat
- 2002 : Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa (en collaboration), Böhlau Verlag
- 2003 : La Véritable Histoire de Lutte ouvrière (entretiens avec Robert Barcia), Éditions Denoël
- 2003 : Jacqueline de Jong, Undercover in de Kunst/in art (en collaboration), Ludion
- 2003 : Fous littéraires, nouveaux chantiers(en collaboration), Du Lérot
- 2003 : Histoire générale de l'ultra-gauche, Éditions Denoël
- 2004 : Bibliothèque secrète, Éditions Bartillat
- 2004 : Les Têtes de Turc (en collaboration), Du Lérot
- 2005 : Carlos Castaneda, la vérité du mensonge, Éditions du Rocher
- 2006 : L'Aventure moderne, Flammarion
- 2006 : Extrêmes gauches, la tentation de la réforme, Éditions Textuel
- 2008 : Génération Chaos - Punk, New Wave 1975 - 1981, Éditions Denoël
- 2009 : À gauche, toute !, CNRS Éditions
- 2009 : Lutte armée, Éditions du toucan
- 2009 : Qui etes vous ? Antoinette Fouque (en collaboration avec Antoinette Fouque), Bourin Editeur
- 2010 : Qui etes vous ? Michel Maffesoli (en collaboration avec Michel Maffesoli), Bourin Editeur
- 2010 : Un Maçon franc, Éditions Alphée
- 1979 : Courage - Let's Run
- 1981 : Clara et les Chics Types
- 2015 : The Art Dealer
- Un maçon franc : Récit secret (Christophe Bourseiller, ed. Alphée, 2010)
- "La Guerre des boutons". Films de France. Retrieved December 1, 2010.