Christa Dürscheid

Christa Dürscheid (born October 4, 1959 in Kehl-Kork, Germany), is a German linguist and professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her main research interests include grammar, variational linguistics, didactics of language, writing systems, and media linguistics. In the English speaking research community she is best known for her publications about language use in the New Media.

Christa Dürscheid

Biography and work

After studying German, French and didactics at the universities of Freiburg and Cologne, Christa Dürscheid took her PhD in 1988. In 1998, she finished her habilitation (postdoc project) with a monograph entitled "Die verbalen Kasus des Deutschen. Untersuchungen zur Syntax, Semantik und Perspektive" ('Verbal cases in German. Analyses of syntax, semantics and perspectives').

Between 1994 and 1999, she taught as a guest lecturer at the following universities: Charles University Prague, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Nanjing University (PR of China), Volgograd State University (Russia), and St. Kliment Ohridski University Sofia (Bulgaria), besides working as research assistant at the University of Cologne. From 1999 to 2000 she taught at the University of Stuttgart (Germany), from 2000 to 2002 at the University of Münster (Germany). Since 2002, she has been a Professor of German Linguistics at the German Department (University of Zurich), with a focus on contemporary linguistics. Between 2006 and 2011 she was vice dean for teaching at the Faculty of Arts (University of Zurich). In the years 2006 to 2011, she was the leader of the research project "Writing competences and new media"[1] (funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation). Since 2011, she has been the head of a tri-national project "Handbook of Grammatical Variation in Standard German",[2] together with two colleagues from Austria and Switzerland. Christa Dürscheid was also one of the leading members in the project "SMS communication in Switzerland: Facets of linguistic variation in a multilingual country",[3] which started in 2011.

Selected publications

About language use in the New Media
  • with Andreas H. Jucker: The Linguistics of Keyboard-to-screen Communication. A New Terminological Framework. Linguistik online 56, 6/2012
  • with Elisabeth Stark: SMS4science: An international corpus-based texting project and the specific challenges for multilingual Switzerland. In: Thurlow, Crispin/Mroczek, Kristine (Eds.): Digital Discourse. Language in the New Media. Oxford University Press, Oxford (= Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics), 299–320. 2011.
  • with Carmen Frehner: Email communication. In: Herring, Susan C./Stein, Dieter/Virtanen, Tuija (Eds.): Pragmatics of Computer-Mediated Communication. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York (= Handbook of Pragmatics 9), 35–54. 2013.
  • with Karina Frick: Schreiben digital. Wie das Internet unsere Alltagskommunikation verändert. Kröner, Stuttgart (= Einsichten 3) 2016.
  • Syntax: Grundlagen und Theorien. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2000; 6th edition: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012.
  • Einführung in die Schriftlinguistik. Westdeutscher Verlag, Wiesbaden 2002; 5th edition: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2016.
  • Die verbalen Kasus des Deutschen: Untersuchungen zur Syntax, Semantik und Perspektive. De Gruyter, Berlin 1999.
  • with Franc Wagner and Sarah Brommer: Wie Jugendliche schreiben. Schreibkompetenz und neue Medien. De Gruyter, Berlin 2010.
gollark: Oh hey, it autofilled the password!
gollark: Irrelevant.
gollark: Sort of, but that doesn't require the password.
gollark: Surprisingly, no.
gollark: It's fine, I can just harvest your account details from your laptop.


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