Chinese star maps

Chinese star maps (Chinese: s , t , xīngtú) are usually directional or graphical representations of Chinese astronomical alignments. Throughout the history of China, numerous star maps have been recorded. This page is intended to list or show the best available version of each star map. Star catalogs are also listed. For academic purposes, related star maps found in East Asia outside China are also listed.

Rubbing of the Suchow star chart

List of star maps

Map or catalogCreatorTime createdContentslinks
M45 Fuxi Star Map (伏羲星图)c. 4000 BCFound on a mural in a Neolithic tomb in Xishuipo (西水坡), Puyang, Henan. Clam shells arranged in the shape of the Big Dipper in the North and below the foot, Tiger in the West and Azure Dragon in the East. Also showing Five Stars.
Wu Xian Star Map (商巫咸星圖)Wu Xianc. 1000 BCContained 44 Central and Outer constellations totalling 141 stars
Lacquer box from Tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng5th century BCIndicated location of Big Dipper and 28 Constellations by characters[1]
Astronomic star observation
(天文星占 Tianwen xingzhan)
Gan De475-221 BCContained 75 Central Constellation and 42 Outer Constellations, some said 510 stars in 18 Constellations
Shi Shen astronomy
(石申天文 Shi Shen Tianwen)
aka. (石氏星经 Shi Shi Xing Jing)
Shi Shenc. 350 BC138 Constellations and the name of 810 stars, location of 121 stars, some said it contains The 28 Lunar Ecliptic Constellations, 62 Central Constellations and 30 Outer Constellations
Comet Diagrams from Mawangdui
(彗星圖 Huixing Tu)
193 BC29 different types of comets, also record and prediction of positions of Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus during 246–177 BC-
Five Star Prediction Device
168 BCAlso an Equatorial Device
Equatorial Armillary Sphere
Luo Xiahong (落下閎)104 BClostreign of Emperor Wu of Han
Celestial Globe
Geng Shouchang (耿壽昌)52 BClost
First Ecliptic Armillary Sphere
(黄道仪 Huang Dao Yi)
Jia Kui (贾逵)30–101 AD--
Star chart from Western Han tomb mural in Luoyang
c. 1st centurySun, Moon and ten other star charts-
Han Dynasty Nanyang Stone Engraving
(行雨图 Xing Yu Tu)
c. 1st centuryDepicted five stars forming a cross-
Huntianyi seismometer
Zhang Heng117 AD--
Sky Map
Hun Tian Yi Shuo
Lu Ji187–219 AD--
Reproduced Hun Tian Yi
and wrote
Hun Tian Xiang Shuo
Wang Fan227–266 AD--
Whole Sky Star Maps
(全天星圖 Quan Tian Xing Tu)
Chen Zhuo (陳卓)c. 270 ADA Unified Constellation System. Star maps containing 1464 stars in 284 Constellations, written astrology text-
Equatorial Armillary Sphere
(渾儀 Hun Xi)
Kong Ting (孔挺)323 AD--
Northern Wei Period Iron Armillary Sphere
Hu Lan (斛蘭)436–440 AD-
Southern Dynasties Period Whole Sky Planetarium
(渾天象Hun Tian Xiang)
Qian Lezhi (錢樂之)443 ADUsed red, black and white to differentiate stars from different star maps from Shi Shen, Gan De and Wu Xian-
Northern Wei Grave Dome Star Map
526 ADAbout 300 stars, including the Big Dipper, some stars are linked by straight lines to form constellation. The Milky Way is also shown.-
Water-powered Planetarium
Geng Xun (耿詢)c. 7th century--
Lingtai Miyuan
Yu Jicai (庾季才) and Zhou Fen (周墳)604 ADincorporated star maps from different sources-
Tang Dynasty Whole Sky Ecliptic Armillary Sphere
Li Chunfeng (李淳風)667 ADincluding Elliptic and Moon orbit, in addition to old equatorial design-
The Dunhuang star map705–710 AD1,585 stars grouped into 257 clusters or "asterisms"[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]
Turfan Tomb Star Mural
250–799 AD28 Constellations, Milkyway and Five Stars[9][10]
Picture of Fuxi and Nüwa from the Astana CemeteryTang DynastyPicture of Fuxi and Nuwa together with some constellations[11]
Tang Dynasty Armillary Sphere
(唐代渾儀Tang Dai Hun Xi)
(黃道遊儀Huang dao you xi)
Yi Xing and Liang Lingzan683–727 ADbased on Han Dynasty Celestial Globe, recalibrated locations of 150 stars, determined that stars are moving-
Tang Dynasty Indian Horoscope Chart
Yi Xing683–727 ADsimple diagrams of the 28 Constellation[12]
Kitora Kofun 法隆寺 キトラ古墳 in Japanc. late 7th century – early 8th centuryDetailed whole sky map[13][14]
Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan EraGautama Siddha713 AD –Collection of the three old star charts from Shi Shen, Gan De and Wu Xian. One of the most renowned collection recognized academically.-
Big Dipper
showing stars in Big Dipper[15]
Prajvalonisa Vjrabhairava Padvinasa-sri-dharani Scroll found in Japan 熾盛光佛頂大威德銷災吉祥陀羅尼經卷首扉畫972 ADChinese 28 Constellations and Western Zodiac-
Tangut Khara-Khoto Star Map (西夏黑水城星圖)940 ADA typical Qian Lezhi Style Star Map-
Star Chart 五代吳越文穆王前元瓘墓石刻星象圖941–960 AD-[16]
Ancient Star Map 先天图Chen Tuan c. 11th centuryPerhaps based on studying of Puyong Ancient Star MapLost
Song Dynasty Bronze Armillary Sphere 北宋至道銅渾儀Han Xianfu (韓顯符)1006Similar to the Simplified Armillary by Kong Ting 孔挺, 晁崇 Chao Chong, 斛蘭 Hu Lan-
Song Dynasty Bronze Armillary Sphere (北宋天文院黄道渾儀)Shu Yijian (舒易簡), Yu Yuan (于渊), and Zhou Cong (周琮)宋皇祐年中Similar to the Armillary by Tang Dynasty Liang Lingzan and Yi Xing-
Song Dynasty Armillary Sphere (北宋簡化渾儀)Shen Kuo and Huangfu Yu (皇甫愈)1089Simplied version of Tang Dynasty Device, removed the rarely used moon orbit.-
Five Star Charts (新儀象法要)Su Song10941464 stars grouped into 283 asterisms[17]
Song Dynasty Water-powered Planetarium (宋代 水运仪象台)Su Song and Han Gonglian (韩公廉)c. 11th century-[18]
Liao Dynasty Tomb Dome Star Map (遼宣化张世卿墓頂星圖)1116shown both the Chinese 28 Constellation encircled by Babylonian Zodiac[20]
Star Map in a woman's grave (江西德安 南宋周氏墓星相图)1127–1279Milky Way and 57 other stars.-
Suzhou Star Chart (蘇州石刻天文圖, 淳祐天文図)Huang Shang (黃裳)created in 1193, etched to stone in 1247 by Wang Zhiyuan (王致遠)The chart shows 1434 Stars grouped into 280 asterisms; the accompanying text, supposedly a key to the chart, lists 1,565 stars in 283 asterisms.[22][23][24][25]
Yuan Dynasty Simplified Armillary Sphere 元代簡儀Guo Shoujing1276–1279Further simplied version of Song Dynasty Device[26]
Japanese Star Chart (格子月進図)1324Similar to Su Song Star Chart, original burned in air raids during World War II, only pictures left. Reprinted in 1984 by Eiji Sasaki-
天象列次分野之図(Cheonsang Yeolcha Bunyajido)1395Korean versions of Star Map in Stone. It was made in Chosun Dynasty and the constellation names were written in Chinese letter.-
Japanese Star Chart 瀧谷寺 天之図c. 14th or 15th centuries--
Korean King Sejong's Armillary sphere1433-[27]
Star ChartMao Kun (茅坤)c. 1422Polaris compared with Southern Cross and Alpha Centaurizh:郑和航海图
Ming Ancient Star Chart 北京隆福寺(古星圖)c. 14531420 Stars, possibly based on old star maps from Tang Dynasty-
Chanshu Star Chart (明常熟石刻天文圖)1506Based on Suzhou Star Chart, Northern Sky observed at 36.8 degrees North Latitude, 1466 stars grouped into 284 asterism-
Ming Dynasty Star Map (渾蓋通憲圖說)Matteo Ricci, recorded by Li Zhizaoc. 1550-[28]
Tian Wun Tu (天问图)Xiao Yuncong 萧云从c. 1600Contained mapping of 12 constellations and 12 animals[29]
Zhou Tian Xuan Ji Tu (周天璇玑图) and He He Si Xiang Tu (和合四象圖) in Xing Ming Gui Zhi (性命圭旨)by 尹真人高第弟子 published by 余永宁1615Drawings of Armillary Sphere and four Chinese Celestial Animals with some notes. Related to Taoism.-
Korean Astronomy Book "Selected and Systematized Astronomy Notes" 天文類抄1623~1649Contained some star maps-
Ming Dynasty General Star Map (赤道南北兩總星圖)Xu Guangqi and Adam Schall von Bell1634--
Ming Dynasty diagrams of Armillary spheres and Celestial GlobesXu Guangqic. 1699--
Ming Dynasty Planetarium Machine (渾象 Hui Xiang)c. 17th centuryEcliptic, Equator, and dividers of 28 constellation[30]
Copper Plate Star Map stored in Korea1652--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天象列次之図Harumi Shibukawa 渋川春海1670--
The Celestial Globe 天體儀Ferdinand Verbiest16731876 stars grouped into 282 asterisms[31]
Picture depicted Song Dynasty fictional astronomer (呉用 Wu Yong) with a Celestial Globe (天體儀)Japanese painter1675showing top portion of a Celestial GlobeFile:Chinese astronomer 1675.jpg
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天文分野之図Harumi Shibukawa1677-[33][34]
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天文図解井口常範1689--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 古暦便覧備考苗村丈伯1692--
Japanese star chartHarumi Yasui1699A Japanese star chart of 1699 showing lunar stations[35]
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天文成象Tian Wen Cheng xiang渋川昔尹1699including Stars from Wu Shien (44 Constellation, 144 stars) in yellow; Gan De (118 Constellations, 511 stars) in black; Shi Shen (138 Constellations, 810 stars) in red and Harumi Shibukawa (61 Constellations, 308 stars) in blue;[38]
Japanese Star Chart 改正天文図説unknownIncluded stars from Harumi Shibukawa[40]
Korean Star Map Stonec. 17th century--
Korean Star Mapc. 17th century--
Ceramic Ink Sink Coverc. 17th centuryShowing Big Dipper[41]
Korean Star Map Cube 方星圖Philippus Maria Grimardic. early 18th century--
Star Chart preserved in Japan based on a book from China 天経或問You Ziliu 游子六1730A Northern Sky Chart in Chinese-
Star Chart 清蒙文石刻(欽天監繪製天文圖) in Mongolia1727–17321550 stars grouped into 270 starisms.-
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天経或問註解図巻 下入江脩敬1750--
Reproduction of an ancient device 璇璣玉衡Dai Zhen1723–1777 ADbased on ancient record and his own interpretation-
Rock Star Chart 清代天文石c. 18th centuryA Star Chart and general Astronomy Text-
Korean Complete Star Map (渾天全圖)c. 18th century--
Qing Dynasty Star Catalog (儀象考成,仪象考成)恒星表 and Star Map 黄道南北両星総図Yun Lu 允禄 and Ignaz KöglerDevice made in 1744, book completed in 1757300 Constellations and 3083 Stars. Referenced Star Catalogue published by John Flamsteed-
Jingban Tianwen QuantuMa Junliang 马俊良1780–90mapping nations to the sky[42]
Japanese Edo period Illustration of a Star Measuring Device 平天儀図解岩橋善兵衛1802--
North Sky Map Huang Dao Zhong Xi He Tu (黄道中西合图)Xu Choujun 徐朝俊1807More than 1000 stars and the 28 constellation[43]
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天象総星之図朝野北水1814--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 新制天球星象記田中政均1815--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天球図坂部廣胖1816--
Chinese Star mapJohn Reeves esq1819Printed map showing Chinese names of stars and constellations[44]
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 昊天図説詳解佐藤祐之1824--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 星図歩天歌小島好謙 and 鈴木世孝1824--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart鈴木世孝1824--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天象管鈔 天体図 (天文星象図解)長久保赤水1824-[40]
Japanese Edo period Star Measuring Device 中星儀足立信順1824--
Japanese Star Map 天象一覧図 in Kanji桜田虎門1824Printed map showing Chinese names of stars and constellations-
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 方円星図, 方圓星図 and 増補分度星図方図石坂常堅1826--  
Japanese Star Chart伊能忠誨c. 19th century--  
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 天球図説古筆源了材1835--
Qing Dynasty Star Catalog (儀象考成續編)星表1844Appendix to Yi Xian Kao Cheng, listed 3240 stars (added 163, removed 6)[45]
Stars map (恒星赤道経緯度図) stored in Japan1844 or 1848--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 経緯簡儀用法藤岡有貞1845--
Japanese Edo period Star Chart 分野星図高塚福昌, 阿部比輔, 上条景弘1849--
Japanese Late Edo period Star Chart 天文図屏風遠藤盛俊late Edo Period--
Japanese Star Chart 天体図三浦梅園---
Stars South of Equator, Stars North of Equator (赤道南恆星圖,赤道北恆星圖)1875–1908 Similar to Ming Dynasty General Star Map-
Fuxi 64 gua 28 xu wood carving 天水市卦台山伏羲六十四卦二十八宿全图modern--
gollark: I mean, I *might* also want stuff like that - getting mentions in messages - but much else.
gollark: Anything else is useless annoying overhead I'd have to cut through to hook up my own command parsing.
gollark: What I'd want out of a discord library is basically just send message, receive message.
gollark: ^
gollark: Yes, I like that more.

See also


  1. "Image: c-stars.jpg, (640 × 418 px)". Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
  2. International Dunhuang Archived June 10, 2017, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on December 2, 2011.
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  8. Susan Whitfield; British Library (2004). The Silk Road: Trade, Travel, War and Faith. Serindia Publications, Inc. p. 87. ISBN 978-1-932476-13-2.
  9. "Image: 2005123193619142.gif, (371 × 460 px)". Archived from the original on March 4, 2016. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
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  11. đĽN¤k´EšĎ Archived August 21, 2006, at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on December 2, 2011.
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  14. "キトラ古墳の星宿図". Archived from the original on October 6, 2003. Retrieved October 10, 2015.
  15. Big dipper Taiwan. Retrieved on December 2, 2011.
  16. AEEA ¤Ñ¤å±Ð¨|¸ê°Tºô. Retrieved on December 2, 2011.
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List of Japanese star charts from 17th–19th century and their storage locations. Also listed are some copies of Chinese star maps

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