Cephas of Iconium
Cephas of Iconium is numbered among the Seventy Disciples, and was bishop of Iconium or Colophon, Pamphylia. The name "Cephas" is Aramaic for "Peter."[1]

Epaphroditus, Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas and Caesar
The Eastern Orthodox Church remembers St. Cephas on March 30 with Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Caesar, and Epaphroditus; and on December 8 with the same apostles and Onesiphorus. Apostles of the 70 were hand-picked (chosen) and sent by Jesus himself to preach. They were chosen some time after the selection of the Twelve Apostles.[2] All seventy are commemorated by the Orthodox Church on January 4.
- "Concordance" of The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms, p. 27. ISBN 0-8407-8391-4
- Luke 10:1-24
External links
- Apostle Cephas of the Seventy, March 30 (OCA)
- Apostle Cephas of the Seventy, December 8 (OCA)
- The Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Onesiphorus, Cephas and Caesar (Prologue of Ohrid)
- The Choosing Of The Seventy Holy Apostles
- This article is derived in whole or in part from Cephas of Iconium at OrthodoxWiki, which is dually licensed under CC-By-SA and GFDL. All relevant terms must be followed.
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