Cent (area)

The cent is a customary unit of measurement still used in southern Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu despite the usual use of metric units for other instances. One cent is defined as an area of 1100 of an acre (40.5 m2; 435.6 sq ft). It is still used in many news reports[1] and real estate deals.[2]

If the larger box is an acre, the smaller box is a cent

Detailed conversion chart

1 cent in common area units
Unit Value
Square feet 435.6
Acres 0.01
Hectares 0.0040468564
Square metres 40.468564
Square inches 62,726.4
Square yards 48.4
Square centimetres 404,685.64
gollark: I generally wouldn't agree with vaguely dishonest things like that, and I don't know if anyone actually thinks that's the goal.
gollark: I suppose if you model LGBTQ+ etc. acceptance as some sort of 1D scale ranging from "persecuted heavily" to "worshiped as gods" with "general sensible acceptance" in the middle, and we're somewhere down between "persecuted" and "acceptance", then even if the target is "general sensible acceptance" it may be more effective to... market stuff? slightly more toward the "worshiped as gods" end in order to reach the middle.
gollark: Yes.
gollark: I mean, I prefer "let's learn about some historical issues regarding [GROUP]" over "[GROUP] great, let us all praise [GROUP]".
gollark: Sorry, have been.

See also


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