Camp Walbach

Camp Walbach, some 25 miles Northwest of Cheyenne, Wyoming and directly west of the crossing at the head of Lodge Pole Creek was established to guard and protect the emigrants through Cheyenne Pass, a dangerous spot on the new Overland Trail. Established as a military post September 20, 1858; abandoned, April 19, 1859. Named for General J. B. Walbach, who said at the time the camp was constructed: "This was the route which should have been adopted when the road was changed from the Sweetwater and South Pass in 1862," meaning changing from the Oregon Trail to the Overland Route. After going through Cheyenne Pass, the emigrants were soon on the Laramie Plains, where this trail connected and became a part of the Overland Stage Route from the south. This road was never a mail route, but strictly and exclusively one for emigrants, who were driven from the Oregon Trail, unless in caravans, by the hostility of the Native Americans.

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