Bruce Fink (psychoanalyst)

Bruce Fink is an American Lacanian psychoanalyst and a major translator of Jacques Lacan.[1] He is the author of numerous books on Lacan and Lacanian psychoanalysis, prominent among which are Lacan to the Letter: Reading Écrits Closely,[2] The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance (1995),[3] Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan's Seminar VIII[4][5] and A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique.[6]

Bruce Fink
Occupationpsychoanalyst, former professor and author
EducationUniversity of Paris VIII (Saint-Denis)
Alma materCornell University
Notable worksA Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique, The Lacanian Subject

Education and work

Bruce Fink did his B.A. at Cornell University and his M.A. and Ph.D. at University of Paris, VIII. At University of Paris VIII he attended "Orientation lacanienne" the weekly seminar given by Jacques-Alain Miller, the foremost interpreter of Lacan's work and the head of Ecole de la Cause Freudienne (School of Freudian Cause).[7] An important advocate of Lacanian approach in the clinical setting and Lacanianism in the anglophone world, he has written many critically acclaimed books on Lacanian psychoanalysis and translated Lacan's major work, Écrits, and many of his seminars, into English. Since 1986, he has presented his theoretical and clinical work at nearly a hundred different conferences, psychoanalytic institutes, and universities in the U.S. and abroad.[8]


AUTHORED (English)

  • A Clinical Introduction to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice (W. W. Norton, 2017).
  • Lacan on Love: An Exploration of Lacan's Seminar VIII, Transference (Routledge, 2016).
  • The Purloined Love: An Inspector Canal Mystery (Karnac Books, 2014).
  • Odor di Murderer, Scent of a Killer: An Adventure from Inspector Canal's New York Agency (Karnac Books, 2014).
  • Against Understanding, Volume 1: Commentary and Critique in a Lacanian Key (Routledge, 2014).
  • Against Understanding, Volume 2: Cases and Commentary in a Lacanian Key (Routledge, 2014).
  • Death by Analysis: Another Adventure from Inspector Canal’s New York Agency (Karnac Books, 2013).
  • The Psychoanalytic Adventures of Inspector Canal (Karnac Books, 2010).
  • Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners (New York: W.W. Norton, 2007).
  • Lacan To The Letter: Reading Ecrits Closely (Saint Paul: University of Minnesota Press, 2004).
  • A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997).
  • The Lacanian Subject: Between Language and Jouissance (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995).


  • Reading Seminar XX: Lacan's Major Work on Love, Knowledge, and Feminine Sexuality, eds. Bruce Fink, Richard Feldstein, and Maire Jaanus. Albany: SUNY Press, 2002
  • Reading Seminars I and II: Lacan's Return to Freud, eds. Bruce Fink, Richard Feldstein, and Maire Jaanus. Albany: SUNY Press, 1996
  • Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis with the first English translation of "Position of the Unconscious", eds. Bruce Fink and Suzanne Barnard. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995


  • La médicalisation de la psychologie américaine, L'âne. Le magazine freudien 29, 1986
  • Critique de "Jewish Origins of the Psychoanalytic Movement", Ornicar? 41, 1987
  • Critique de "Reading Lacan", Ornicar? 41
  • Qu'est-ce que la séduction?, L'âne. Le magazine freudien 31
  • Notes on Temporal Tension, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 2, 1988
  • The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: A Critical Review, Literature and Psychology 36, 1990
  • Alienation and Separation: Logical Moments of Lacan's Dialectic of Desire, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 4
  • There's No Such Thing as a Sexual Relationship: Existence and the Formulas of Sexuation, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 5, 1991
  • The Lacanian Subject, Analysis 3
  • The Subject as Metaphor, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 5
  • "Ni spolnega razmerja." Eksistenca in formule seksuacije, translation into Slovenian of Bruce Fink's work on feminine sexuality. in Filozofija skoz Psihoanalizo VII. collection edited by Slavoj Zizek, Ljubljana, Analecta, p. 225-59, 1993
  • Tommy, the Anatomy of a Trauma, Lacanian Ink 10, 1995
  • The Real Cause of Repetition, a chapter in Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, eds. Bruce Fink, Richard Feldstein, and Maire Jaanus. Albany: SUNY Press, p. 223-9
  • Science and Psychoanalysis, a chapter in Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis, eds. Bruce Fink, Richard Feldstein, and Maire Jaanus. Albany: SUNY Press, p. 55-64
  • Alain Badiou, UMBR(a) 1, 1996
  • Reading Hamlet with Lacan, Lacan, Politics, Aesthetics, eds. Richard Feldstein and Willy Apollon. Albany: SUNY Press, p. 181-98
  • The Analytic Relationship, Looking at Lacan, eds. Kareen Malone and Stephen Friedlander. Albany: SUNY Press, 1999
  • Knowledge and Science: Fantasies of the Whole, Lacan and Science, eds. Jason Glynos and Yannis Stavrakakis. London: Rebus Press
  • The Ethics of Psychoanalysis, The Psychoanalytic Review 86, 4; 529-45
  • The Four Discourses, Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis, ed. Danny Nobus, London: Rebus Press
  • Psychoanalytic Approaches to Severe Pathology: A Lacanian Perspective, Newsletter of the International Federation for Psychoanalytic education, 2001
  • Interview of Bruce Fink by Miles Smit, Leuven Philosophy Newsletter vol. XI, 2003
  • Interview of Bruce Fink by Dan Warner, Journal of Lacanian Studies vol. XI
  • The Use of Lacanian Psychoanalysis in a case of Fetishism, Clinical Case Studies II 1
  • Lacan in Translation, Journal for Lacanian Studies 3, 2004
  • Lacanian Clinical Practice, The Psychoanalytical Review vol. 92, 4, 2005
  • Freud and Lacan on Love: A Preliminary Exploration, Acta Philosophica-Filozofski vestnik Ljubljana, Slovenian Institute of Philosophy, 2006
  • Lacan on Personality from the 1930s to the 1950s, Journal of European Psychoanalysis 26/27, 2008
  • Lacan'in Temel Frntazi Kavramina Bir Giris, MonoKL, 2009
  • Bruce Fink ile Soylesi, MonoKL
  • Against Understanding: Why Understanding Should Not Be Viewed as an Essential Aim of Psychanalytic Treatment, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 58/2, 2010
  • Analysand and Analyst in the Global Economy, New Formations, 2011
  • What's So Different about Lacan's Approach to Psychoanalysis, The Psychoanalytical Review
  • Love and the Real, Sexual Identity and the Unconscious, Comments on Rolf Flor's Case Presentation, Lacan and Addiction: An Anthology


  • Jacques Lacan: Logical Time and the Assertion of Anticipated Certainty, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 2, 1988
  • Alain Badiou: On a Finally Objectless Subject, Topoi 7. ed. Jean-Luc Nancy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988
  • Jacques Lacan: Science and Truth, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 3, 1989
  • Jacques-Alain Miller. Microscopia: An Introduction to the Reading of Television, Television: A Challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1990
  • Jacques Lacan: Metaphor of the Subject, Newsletter of the Freudian Field 5, 1991
  • Jacques Lacan: The Seminar, Book XX, Encore, On Feminine Sexuality: The Limits of Love and Knowledge (1972-1973), New York: W.W. Norton, 1998
  • Écrits: A Selection by Jacques Lacan, New York: W.W. Norton, 2002
  • Écrits: The First Complete Edition in English by Jacques Lacan, New York: W.W. Norton, 2006
  • Jacques Lacan: The Triumph of Religion, Cambridge: Polity, 2013
  • Jacques Lacan: The Names-of-the-Father, Cambridge: Polity
  • Jacques Lacan: The Seminar, Book VIII, Transference, Cambridge: Polity, 2015
  • Colette Soler: Lacanian Affects: The Function of Affect in Lacan's Work, London: Routledge
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gollark: It's running suspiciously slowly.
gollark: BEES, is `tar -tf` extracting the entire archive or something⸘
gollark: The 120GB one is mostly stuff which doesn't compress well so honestly that should just be rsynced but oh well.
gollark: Well, I backup different things separately, so they range from about 100MB to 120GB.


  1. Bernard, Mihaela (2017-04-11). "Interview with Dr. Bruce Fink, author of "Clinical Introduction to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice"". Psych Central. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  2. Murphy, Paula (July 2005). "Book Review: Linguistricks: Reading Lacan to the Letter". International Journal of Baudrillard Studies. 2 (2). Archived from the original on 8 October 2018. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  3. "Book entry". Princeton University Press. Retrieved 8 July 2017.
  4. "Bruce Fink Bibliography".
  5. Libbey, Peter (Sep–Oct 2016). "The truth is a lemon meringue". Radical Philosophy (199): 49–51. Retrieved 11 July 2017.
  6. "Book entry". Harvard University Press.
  7. Fink, Bruce (1999). A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. p. v.
  8. "Home Page". Bruce Retrieved 11 July 2017.
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