Branislav Varsik

Branislav Varsik (5 March 1904, Myjava, Austria-Hungary – 28 May 1994, Slovakia) was a Slovak historian and archivist. His major contribution was to the research of the hussite movement on the territory of present-day Slovakia and history of the settlement.

Selected works

  • Slováci na pražskej univerzite do konca stredoveku [Slovaks at the University of Prague until the end of the Middle Ages] (1926)
  • Husiti a reformácia na Slovensku do žilinskej synody [Hussites and Reformation in Slovakia before the Synod of Žilina] (1932, habilitation work)
  • Národnostný problém trnavskej univerzity ú [The National Problem of Trnava University] (1938)
  • Národnostná hranica slovensko-maďarská v ostatných dvoch storočiach [The Slovak-Hungarian national border in the last two centuries] (1940)
  • Slovenské listy a listiny z 15. a 16. stor. [Slovak Letters and Documents of the 15th and 16th Centuries.] (1956, doktorská práca)
  • Osídlenie Košickej kotliny I.-III. [Settlement of the Košice basin I.-III.] (1964, 1973, 1977)
  • Husitské revolučné hnutie a Slovensko [Hussite Revolutionary Movement and Slovakia] (1965)
  • Zo slovenského stredoveku [From the Slovak Middle Ages] (1972)
  • Z osídlenia západného a stredného Slovenska v stredoveku [About the Settlement of Western and Central Slovakia in the Middle Ages] (1984)


  • 1963 - Gold Medal of Comenius University
  • 1963 - Honour Badge of Labour
  • 1974 - Gold Honor Plaque of Slovak Academy of Sciences of Ľudovít Štúr for Contributions in Social Sciences
  • 1976 - National Award of Slovak Socialistic Republic
  • 1979 - Silver medal of Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • 2007 - in memoriam Ľudovít Štúr Order, 1st class
gollark: Maybe viewing this with eyes was a bad idea.
gollark: I'm just going to assume it's a bizarre visual effect and ignore it.
gollark: I'm not hovering. I don't think that works on my phone.
gollark: This page is incredibly weird. The text somehow looks like it's moving.
gollark: Is there a list of existing badge things somewhere?
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