
The Barrandeocerina comprise a suborder of Early Paleozoic nautiloid cephalopods, primitively coiled but later forms may be cyroconic, gyroconic, torticonic, and even breviconic, all having empty siphuncles with thin connecting rings. The Barrandeocerina were originally defined as a separate order by Rousseau Flower (Flower and Kummel, 1950), but since then have been united within the Tarphycerida as a suborder (Teichert 1988). Derivation is from the Tarphyceratidae.

Temporal range: M Ordovician - M Devonian
Scientific classification

Flower, 1950

See text

In early forms the siphuncle is central or subcentral, orthochoanitic (septal necks short and straight), and thin, with tubular segments. Later forms include those with cyrochoanitic septal necks (curved outward) and segments that may be slightly to strongly expanded into the chambers.


Six families are included in the Barrandeocerina, (ex Barrandeocerida).

Barrandeoceratidae M Ord-M Dev
Plectoceratidae M-U Ord
Apsidocertatidae M-U Ord
Uranoceratidae U Ord-M Sil
Lechritrochoceratidae M-U Sil
Nephriticeratidae L-M Dev

Flower also included the Lituitidae in the Barrandeocerida, (Flower and Kummel 1950), which were found (Sweet 1964) to have more in common with the Tarphycerida in the original Treatise Part K.

gollark: Oh, it's a multi-server cult, I see.
gollark: It says that Rogers was the first to say "ceramic wobble".
gollark: How did this "cermanic wobble" cult spring up so fast?
gollark: It looks like some sort of abstract art piece.
gollark: Are those LED filament lights, then, or some sort of magical multicolored incandescents?


    • Rousseau H Flower and Bernhard Kummel Jr 1950. A Classification of the Nautiloidea. Journal of Paleontology Vol 24, no.5 pp604–616 , Sept 1950
    • Walter C Sweet, 1964, Nautiloidea - Barrandeocerida. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology Part K Mollusca 3. Geological Society of America and University of Kansas Press
    • Curt Teichert, 1988. Main Feature of Cephalopod Evolution. The Mollusca Vol.12 Paleontology and Neontology of Cephalopods. Academic Press
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