Bacanora is an agave-derived liquor made in the Mexican state of Sonora.
- Other uses: the town of Bacanora, Sonora.
The distillation of Bacanora was illegal until 1992, being bootlegged by vinateros for many generations. Since 2000 Bacanora has been issued with an origin denomination bill by the Mexican government. This means that only mescal produced by the agave variety grown in the Sonora municipalities of Bacanora, Sahuaripa, Arivechi, Soyopa, San Javier, Cumpas, Moctezuma, San Pedro de la Cueva, Tepache, Divisaderos, Granados, Huásabas, Villa Hidalgo, Bacadéhuachi, Nácori Chico, Huachinera, Villa Pesqueira, Aconchi, San Felipe de Jesús, Huépac, Banámichi, Rayón, Baviácora, Opodepe, Arizpe, Rosario de Tesopaco, Quiriego, Suaqui Grande, Onavas, Yécora, Álamos, San Miguel de Horcasitas, Ures, and La Colorada can legally be called Bacanora.
[1]"Bacanora consumption had become so widespread throughout the state, the intolerant government banned the spirit, and severely punished anyone caught drinking or making it - sometimes by imprisonment, sometimes by death! With the ban lifted, and bacanora given the Denomination of Origin, the spirit is now being exported outside the state and sold all throughout Mexico and, more recently, the United States. Bacanora is back, bold and better than ever! "
[1] Federal Commerce Department Delegate, Sonora Mexico & Leading Bacanora Expert

See also
- Aguardiente
- Pulque
- Tequila
- Mexican wine
- Mexican beer
- Mexican cuisine
- "Sunora Bacanora : What is it? Learn Where and How Bacanora is Made". Sunora Bacanora Blanco & Sunora Mocha Cream De Bacanora. Retrieved 2018-06-18.