Aurel Rău

Aurel Rău (born 9 November 1930[1] in Bistriţa-Năsăud County) is a Romanian poet, novelist, translator, and former editor-in-chief of the Steaua magazine (Cluj) which, during the Communist era, managed to publish poetry of high quality, avoiding too many realist-socialism poems. While Al. Piru labels his poetic style as manneristic,[2] Ghe. Grigurcu considers him the most representative contemporary poet of Transylvania.[3]


  1. "BIBLIOTECA scriitori ROMÂNI".
  2. Piru, Alexandru. Poezia românească contemporană, 1950 – 1975, București, Editura Eminescu, 1975.
  3. Grigurcu, Gheorghe. Poezia română contemporană, vol. I, (Ed. Convorbiri literare, 2000).

Presence in anthologies

  • Testament - Anthology of Modern Romanian Verse, second edition (bilingual version English/Romanian) - author and translator Daniel Ioniță, with Eva Foster, Rochelle Bews, and Prof.Dr.Daniel Reynaud - Editura Minerva, January 2015. ISBN 978-973-21-1006-5

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