Angria or Angaria (German: Engern,
The Angrivarii lands were conquered by Charlemagne during the Saxon Wars; according to the Royal Frankish Annals the Angrian commanders concluded a separate peace agreement with the Carolingian Empire near Bückeburg in 775.
In 1180, the Emperor Frederick I deposed the duke of Saxony, Henry the Lion, and divided the duchy into two parts through the so-called Gelnhausen Charter. The Duchy of Westphalia was granted to the Archbishopric of Cologne, while Angria was given to Bernhard of Anhalt, who used the Saxon ducal title. The name Angria thereafter became obsolete. In the 13th century the central area on the Weser became the nucleus of the County of Hoya, which in 1582 was inherited by the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg.