Alexandru Hrisanide

Alexandru Hrisanide (June 15, 1936 in Petrila, Romania - November 19, 2018 in Haarlem, Netherlands) was a Romanian pianist and composer[1] who was a representative of late 20th century Romanian avant-garde. A Netherlands resident since 1974, he taught piano and composition at the Amsterdam and Tilburg Academies of Music. Hrisanide’s music achieves an original synthesis between archaic melos and modes on the one hand, and the accomplishments of the modern Viennese school on the other. He won the Lili Boulanger Foundation Prize in 1965.[2][3]

This photo of Alexandru Hrisanide was taken after he settled in the Netherlands


Alexandru Hrisanide studied piano and composition at the Bucharest Academy of Music between 1953-1959 and 1959-1964. His composition teachers were Mihail Jora, Paul Constantinescu and Tudor Ciortea; he studied piano with Florica Musicescu and Cornel Gheorghiu. In 1965 he continued his musical studies with Nadia Boulanger at the American Conservatory of Music (Fontainebleau, France), and in 1965 and 1966 he participated in the Darmstadt Internationale Ferienkurse, contemporary music workshops. From 1959 he was a teacher at the Bucharest Music High School no. 1. He later taught at the Bucharest Academy of Music until 1972, when he left Romania. He was also active as a piano soloist, particularly in the field of new music. Many Romanian composers dedicated their works to Hrisanide. He is the first Romanian pianist to have performed in recitals with a “prepared piano”. His studies and articles appeared in Muzica and Contemporanul. Between 1972-1974 he was a visiting professor at the University of Oregon, and in 1974 he became a professor at the Amsterdam and Tilburg Academies of Music. He performed as a pianist in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Spain, the United States, Greece, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Britain and Canada.


  • Stage music: Acte pour un homme seul by Samuel Beckett (1965), tape music.
  • Vocal-symphonic music: C’était issue stellaire, cantata for male choir, organ, winds and percussion, poem by S. Mallarmé. Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969 premiered in Zagreb, 1997 Biennale of Contemporary Music, Croatian RTV Orchestra.
  • Symphonic music: Poem for orchestra (1959); Passacaglia for big orchestra (1959), premiered in Bucharest. 1967, RTV Orchestra, Ludovic Bács (conductor); Vers-Antiqua. Homage to Euripides (1960), premiered In Hannover, 1966; Ad perpetuam rei memoriam (1967), three pieces for orchestra, Wiesbaden, Edit. Ahn-Simrock, 1968, premiered in Bucharest, 1967, Bucharest Philharmonic, Mircea Basarab (conductor); “RO” for large orchestra (1968); Sonnets (1990), concerto for harpsichord and orchestra, premiered in Bucharest, 1994, New Music Week; "....the past and present and...." CONCERTO PER CELLO [1995-1996].
  • Film music: The Painter’s Hands (1967), Nina Behar (director).
  • Chamber Music: Classic Suite for piano (1954-1957), Sonata no.1 for piano (1955-1965), Bucharest, Edit. Muzicală, 1966; Piano pieces I-XIII (1955-1964), Köln, Edit. Hans Gerig, 1968, also in „Rumänische Klavierminiaturen für Kinder und Jugendlichen“, Leipzig, Edit. Peters, 1976 (Sunset); Sonata no. 1 for flute and piano (1957); Sonata no. 3 for flute and piano (1957), Sonata fot violin and piano (1957), Bucharest, 1968; Trio for violin, viola and bassoon (1958); String Quartet (1958), Bucharest, Edit . 1969; Sonata for Piano no. 2 “Sonata Piccola” (1959, 1967); Sonata for clarinet and piano (1960-1962), Bucharest, Edit. Muzicală, 1964; Sonata no. 2 for piano and flute (1960-1962), Bucharest, Edit. Muzicală, 1969; Volumes, Inventions for cello and piano (1963), Bucharest, Edit. Muzicală, 1967, also Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969; Sonata for piano no. 3 “Picasso Sonata” (1956-1964), Bucharest, 1968; Music for viola and piano (Sonata),1965, Bucharest, 1968, Edit. Gerig, 1974; Wave (unda) for organ (1965), Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969; Searching for the vertical (In căutarea verticalei) (1965), three pieces for oboe solo, Köln, Edit. Hans Geig, 1969; M. P. 5 (Music for 5), quintet for violin, viola, cello, saxophone tenor (or clarinet in B) and piano, Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969, premiered in Köln, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Musica Nova); Directions (1967-1969), quintet for winds, Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969; ”Mers-Tefs” for violin solo (1968); Musique pour R.A., Première Musique pour RA (1968-1969), experiment for piano and magnetic tape, premiere, Südwestfunk Baden-Baden, 1969; Seconde Musique pour RA (1969), experiment for piano and tape, premiere Köln, Westdeutscher Rundfunk, 1969; Troisième Musique pour RA (1970), piano and magnetic tape; Quatrième Musique pour RA`(1970); Sixième Musique pour RA (1970), piano and magnetic tape; Soliloquium II for string quartet (1970).
  • Choral Music: When the first star was born, 1959, mixed choir, text by Eugen Frunza; A song for light and sun (1961), mixed choir, text by Nina Cassian; Pale leaf, yellow leaf, choir for two equal voices, text by Tudor Arghezi in Songs and madrigals, edited by Petru Simionescu, Bucharest, Edit. Muzicala,1966.
  • Vocal Music: Three songs for children, voice and piano (1955), Bucharest, Edit. Muzicală, 1963; Four Lieder (1956), voice and piano, text by Tudor Arghezi; Two Lieder (1957), voice and piano, text by Lucian Blaga; Two Lieder (1958), voice and piano, text by Zaharia Stancu (Electrecord CS 030); The River (1959), text by Nicolae Coman; The she-kid (Iada) (1961), voice and piano, text by Tudor Arghezi, Bucharest, Edit. Muzicala; Fertility (1962), voice and piano, verses by Nina Cassian; C’était issu stellaire (1965), voice and piano, text by St. Mallarmé, in Jeune école contemporaine, Paris, Edit. Salabert, 1969; Mirabile auditu (1968), voice and piano, text by Nichita Stanescu; Patru sen (??) (1969) for voice, oboe¸clarinet and harp, text by Radu Rupea.

Critical edition

Neue Rumänische Klaviermusik, Köln, Edit. Hans Gerig, 1969.


  • Trio for violin, viola and bassoon (1958), 1969, Electrecord CS 022.
  • M. P. 5 ( Music for 5), quintet for violin, viola, cello, saxophone tenor (or clarinet in B) and piano, Music Nova, Electrecord CS 022.
  • Sonata for clarinet and piano (1960-1962), 1969 (ECE 0389).
  • Sonata no. 2 for piano and flute (1960-1962), Bucharest, 1969, Electrecord CS 020.
  • Volumes, Inventions for violoncello and piano (1963), Bucharest, 1969 Electrecord CS 020.
  • Searching the vertical (In cautarea verticalei), 1965, three pieces for solo oboe, Electrecord CS 032).
  • Two Lieder (1958), voice and piano, text by Zaharia Stancu, Electrecord CS 030.
  • …the past, the present and… (Concerto for cello), in: Four Cello Concertos, Ensembles of the Brabant Conservatory, Jan Cober (conductor), Mirel Iancovici (cello), Fontijs KKCD 97019, 1996.
  • 3 Piese pentru pian, CD I din Pagini muzicale din cariera pianistei Liana Serbescu, Electrecord, EDC 1089-1090, 2013.
  • Anatol Vieru: Jeux, Radio-Television Studio Orchestra, Ludovic Baci conductor, Alexandru Hrisanide (piano), Electrecord ECD 1152.


Mayke Nas, Jan-Willem Rozenboom,[5] Hawar Tawfiq,[6] Vera Micznik,[7] Christian Blaha


  • Coman, Lavinia: „Alexandru Hrisanide, un campion al avangardei musicale” (Alexandru Hrisanide, a champion of musical avantgarde), Muzica, serie nouă, XXVII, 6, pp. 44-71.
  • Cosma, Viorel: „Hrisanide, Alexandru”, in Muzicieni români, Lexicon, București, Ed. Muzicală a Uniunii Compozitorilor, 2016, pp. 237-238.
  • Cosma, Viorel: „Hrisanide, Alexandru”, in Muzicieni din România, Lexicon, Vol. 4 (H-J), București, Ed. Muzicală, 2001, pp.72-76.
  • Cosma, Viorel: „Alexandru Hrisanide”, in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London, Macmillan, 1980;
  • Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Music, Sixth Edition, London, Collier Macmillan Publisher, 1978;
  • Dalhaus, C. and Eggebrecht, A. H.: Brockhaus Riemann Musiklexikon, vol II, Mainz, Edit. Schott and München, Edit. Piper, 1989;
  • Frank Paul, Altmann W.: Kurzgefasstes Tonkünstler-Lexicon, A-K, 2, 15 Auflage, Wilhelmshaven, Heinrichshofen’s Verlag;
  • Sava, Iosif and Vartolomei, Luminita: Small Musical Encyclopaedia, Craiova, Edit. Aius, 1997.
  • Sandu-Dediu, Valentina: "Towards modern music in Romania". East Central Europe. 30 (2): 1–19.
  • Șerbescu, Liana: „Enigma Alexandru Hrisanide”, Studii de Muzicologie, Iași, XIV, 2019, pp. 196-207.
  • Popovici, Doru : First Auditions in Tribuna, Cluj, 6, nr.28 (284), 12.07. 1963;
  • Balan George: „Alexandru Hrisanide”, in Contemporanul, 4 (850), 25.01.1963;
  • Notes from concerts in Contemporanul, 26 (976), 25.06.1965;
  • Pinter, Lajos: „Alexandru Hrisanide külfoldi sikerei” (Al. Hrisanide’s success abroad. Interview) in Üj Élet, Tg. Mureș, 15.16.1966;
  • Scurtulescu, Dan: „Works by Alexandru Hrisanide” in ??? Bucuresti 16, nr.8, VIII 1966;
  • Codreanu, Petre: „Radio and Television Orchestra concert: Alexandru Hrisanide -Ludovic Baci”, in Informatia Bucurestiului, 14,. 4193, 3 II 1967;
  • Constantinescu, Grigore: „Passacaglia by Alexandru Hrisanide”, in Muzica, Bucharest, 17, nr.3.III 1967;
  • Miereanu, Costin: Alexandru Hrisanide: “Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam”, in Contemporanul, Bucuresti, nr. 52 (1107), 29 XII 1967;
  • Țăranu, Cornel: Prime auditii. Alexandru Hrisanide “Ad Perpetuam Rei Memoriam”, in Tribuna, Cluj, 12, nr.7 (577), 15 II 1968;
  • R.R. : „Interview with Al. Hrisanide about Music = Poetry + Logic”, in Ateneu, Bacau, 5, no.9 (50), IX 1968;
  • Sava, Iosif: „Al. Hrisanide: Roads wide open for contemporary music”, in Scînteia Tineretului, 24, no. 6073, 28 XI 1968 (in Romanian);
  • Țipei, Sever: „Alexandru Hrisanide”, in România Literară, Bucharest, 2, no. 19, 8 V 1969;
  • Hoffman, Alfred: „Chamber music”, in România Liberă, București, 28, no.8049, 9 IX 1970;
  • Țipei, Sever: „Alexandru Hrisanide: Romanian music fits in perfectly with world music”, in România Literară, Bucharest, no.47, 19 XI 1970 (in Romanian);
  • Ionescu, Miruna: „Interlocutor: Al. Hrisanide. “First of all I am interested in Romanian contemporary music””, in Informația Bucureștiului, Bucharest, 18, no 5478, 16 IV 1971;
  • Ziffren, Abbie: „Romanian pianist debuts in U.S.”, in The Valley News, 17 I 1973;
  • Finn, Robert: „Composer Urges Study of Classics”, in The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, 4 V 1973;
  • Finn, Robert: „Pianist Showcases Countrymen’s Works”, in The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, 5 V 1973;
  • „Al. Hrisanide” in Contmporanul, Bucharest, no.30 (1393), 20 VII 1973;
  • Moravcsik, Michael: „Artist from Bucharest”, in Old Oregon, Oregon, vol 52, no.3 Spring 1973.
  • Honegger, Marc and Massenkeil, Günter: Das grosse Lexicon der Musik, Vol IV, Herder, Freiburg-Basel-Wien, 1976;
  • Pedigo, Alan: International Encyclopaedia of Violin-Keyboard Sonatas and Composer Biographies, Boonville, Arriaga Publications, 1979;
  • „Romanian Music at Carnegie Hall”, in Jurnal Intern, 2, no. 158, 11 VI 1991;
  • Cosma, Viorel: „The George Enescu International Festival and the Romanian diaspora”, in Romania Libera Extern, 2, no. 68, 8 IX 1991;
  • Florea, Anca: „Alexandru Hrisanide: pianist and composer”. In Vestitorul Românesc, București, no. 37 (85), 17 IX 1991;
  • Manea, Ion: Encyclopedia. Romanians in Western science and culture, Davis, Edit. ARA Publications, vol 13, 1992;
  • Zottoviceanu Elena: „Master copy”, in Spectacolul Muzicii, Bucharest,1, no.36, 25 X 1995 (in Romanian).
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  1. Sandu-Dediu, Valentina (2003). "Towards modern music in Romania". East Central Europe. 30 (2): 1–19. doi:10.1163/187633003x00117.
  2. Grigorovici, Lucian (1969). "Younger Rumanian Composers". Perspectives of New Music. 7 (2): 182–185. doi:10.2307/832304.
  3. Viorel Cosma, Lexicon Muzicieni din România (Nadia Boulanger), p. 75, București, Ed. Muzicală, 2001: “Hrisanide has a powerful personality doubled by a high intelligence, with outstanding compositions to his credit.”
  4. Main source: Viorel Cosma, Lexicon Muzicieni din România (Alexandru Hrisanide), p. 72-76, București, Ed. Muzicală, 2001
  5. Jan-Willem Rozenboom's biography, in Dutch
  6. Jan-Hawar Tawfiq's biography, in Dutch
  7. Vera Micznik

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