Al Bandar report

The Al Bander report refers to a political conspiracy by government officials in Bahrain to foment sectarian strife and marginalize the majority Shia community in the country. The conspiracy was led and financed by Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al Khalifa, Minister of Cabinet Affairs and head of the Civil Informatics Organization and member of the Al Khalifa royal family. The allegations were revealed in September 2006, in a 240-page document produced by the Gulf Centre for Democratic Development, and authored by Dr Salah Al Bandar, an adviser to the Cabinet Affairs Ministry. Following the distribution of the report, Bahraini police forcibly deported Dr Al Bandar to the United Kingdom, where he holds citizenship.

According to Dr Al Bander, the Minister in Bahrain paid five main operatives a total of more than $2.7 million to run:

  • a secret intelligence cell spying on Shi’as
  • GONGOs’ – government operated bogus NGOs like the ‘Bahraini Jurists Society’ and the ‘Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society
  • internet forums and websites that foment sectarian hatred
  • subsidisation of ‘new converts’ from Shia Islam to Sunnism
  • payments for election rigging

Individuals accused in the Bandargate report

NameOccupationRole in conspiracyMonthly remuneration
Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al KhalifaCabinet Affairs Ministry, President of Central Informatics Organization (CIO), Direct Supervisor to Civil Bureau (State Recruitment Office) and President of the Executive Committee Supervising the Polls of 2006Leader of the Secret Cell & FinancierFinancer
Raed Mohamed Abdulla ShamsManager Stats Department of CIO, Appointed in 2006 as an Assistant to Secretary General of Cabinet Affairs Ministry for Human Resources, Finance and Services, Deputy to Ministry Assistant. Immediate Supervisor to Jordanian Intelligence Group who is responsible to follow up political situations, co-ordinates and supervises the work of Civil Organizations that are tied to the Web (Jurists, Bahrain First, Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society, Bahrain Politics) and supervises the Endorsement Administrative, Technical Group and the State telecommunications InsuranceActs as the “Right Hand” of Ahmed, administrating the Secret Web. He does not conceal his sympathy and support for Islamic Reform Society and its political Right Hand of Al-Menbar Islamic Society.In addition to his monthly salary and renowned allowance he monthly receives BD1200
Mohamed Ali Mohamed Al-QaedAdministration Manager of CIO, promoted in April 2006 as a General Manager Information Technology and Deputy Assistant to Ministry. He is well known for his tie with Islamic Reform Society and its political Right Hand of Al-Menbar Islamic Society is well known.Left-Hand for Ahmed, supervises e-Voting Group and Groups of Variety Technical WorksIn addition to his monthly salary and renowned allowance he monthly receives BD1200.
Jamal Yousuf Mohamed Al-AseeryChief Editor of Reform Magazine (Reform Society of the Muslim Brotherhood), Ex-BBC Correspondent, Chancellor and Media Affairs to President of Royal Court (Mohamed Bin Ateyatalla, brother of the above stated Leader of the Cell), Acting as a Chief Editor to Alwatan NewsArranges agendas for the Media and News topics, supervises the Media Group and holds a position of Consultant to Al-Watan News.In addition to his monthly salary and renowned allowance he monthly receives BD800/-
Adel Rashid Bu-SaibaCIO incumbent, fully committed to Islamic Education Society in the capacity of Manager Social Affairs & Project that is dependent to Al Asalah Political Society.Supervises the Group whose prime objective to concentrate the Sunni sects against Shi’a sect.In addition to his monthly salary and renowned allowance he monthly receives BD1000/-
Naser Mohammed Yousif LoriEx-employee of CIO, Since 2004, he works as a Deputy Assistant to President of Royal Court, Mohamed Bin Ateyatalla, in the capacity of Co-Ordination & Follow-up, he has strong relation with fundamentalists stream in Bahrain and the Gulf such as Al-Salafiya, Board Member and Supervisor to Awalatan Newspaper Project he also possesses 10% of its nominal stocksHas connection with Royal Court Naturalization CommitteeIn addition to his monthly salary and renowned allowance he monthly receives BD1000/-
Mohamed Ahmed AbdullaGeneral Secretary Assistant to Cabinet Ministry, at the grade of Deputy Assistant to Ministry-BD500
Maher Al-KhanCentral Informatics Organization-BD500
Yousif BinkhalilAlwatan Newspaper-BD500
Ahmed Bu-Hazza’a--BD500
Yousif Abdulla YousifBenefits Company-BD250
Yousif Al-BaderCentral Informatics Organization-BD250
Khalid AhmedCentral Informatics Organization-BD250
Nabeel ShamsCentral Informatics Organization-BD250
Maisoon Al-QaisyCentral Informatics Organization-BD150
Rashid Musalam RashidCentral Informatics Organization-BD500
Naser Al-EmadyMinistry Office Manager, Civil Services Bureau (Governmental Recruitment)-BD750
Hala AsheerCentral Informatics Organization-BD250
Hussain Ali Al-MutawaPrivate driver-BD300
Hamad Al-Mahaiza’aCentral Informatics Organization-BD500
Ahmed KhairyAccountant-BD400
Ali SaqerDriver-BD150
Fahad Bin AbdulazizGeneral Judgment Center-BD500
Faisal FuladBahrain Human Rights Watch Society-BD500
gollark: Ah, a free one, who cares then.
gollark: And probably worse than the one in my £100 server from ebay?
gollark: You are aware that that is six years out of date?
gollark: Wow, that must be awful.
gollark: Maybe they'll just throw out their existing naming schemes and go back to the madness of the pre-Core æons.

See also


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