Al-Malhama Al-Kubra
Al-Malhama Al-Kubra, or the “Great Battle” is the prophesied battle of the end times. Malāḥim () means bloody fights, massacres. It is said to be the most brutal battle in the history of mankind. Some have linked this to refer to nuclear war.
According to Islamic eschatology, one of the places believed Malhamat ul-Kubra will take place is Dabiq, Syria. Muslims will fight alongside the Romans against a common enemy of and will be victorious[Source?]. Some theories suggest that these Romans are the Russians, because Russia is the most populous Orthodox Christian country, and it considers itself the inheritor of the Eastern Roman Empire, even though others[which others?] claimed to be the inheritors of Rome, including the Ottomans. Following the victory, a Roman will claim victory for the cross, and in response a Muslim will destroy the cross[Sunan Ibn Majah 4089]. A bloody battle will take place followed by the coming of the Dajjal, anti-Christ. the descent from heaven and Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Jesus will kill the Dajjal, kill the swine and destroy the cross. He will follow the religion of the Prophet Muhammad and will pray behind al-Mahdi. (Sahih al-Bukhari)