Agrippina Fedorovna Chelyadnina
Agrippina Fedorovna Chelyadnina (floruit 1538), was a Russian noble and courtier, the royal governess of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
Ivan the Terrible and Agrippina, by Carl Wenig
Agrippina Fedorovna Chelyadnina belonged to the elite of courtiers through her family connections, and was since at least 1518 a noble childless widow when she was, shortly before the death of Vasili III of Russia, assigned as the royal governess of the next Tsar, Ivan, in 1533.
After the death and suspected poisoning of the regent tsarina dowager Elena Glinskaya in 1538, Agrippina Fedorovna Chelyadnina was arrested alongside the boyars I. V. Shuysky and B. V. Shuysky. She was forced to become a nun.
- Бенешевич В. Челяднина, Агриппина (Аграфена) Ѳедоровна // Русский биографический словарь = Русскій бiографическiй словарь / под наблюдением председателя Императорского Русского Исторического Общества А. А. Половцова. — Типография И. Н. Скороходова. — СПб., 1905. — Т. 22 «Чаадаевъ — Швитковъ». — С. 132. — 642 с.
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