Adrenaline (film)
Adrenaline is a 2015 American drama film directed by Joseph Quinn Simpkins and written by Michael Rosander, Alex Chatfield and Joseph Quinn Simpkins. It stars John Schneider, Charlene Amoia, Gregory Alan Williams, Cameron Arnett and Myke Holmes. The film centers around a drag racer who is left paraplegic by a car crash.[1]
- Charlene Amoia as Josie Rigsby
- Gregory Alan Williams as Elijah Benjamin Salisbury
- Jim Cody Williams as Britt Brizzio
- Malaika Washington as Tiffany
- John Schneider as Paul Sharpe
- Irene Santiago as Diane Godwin
- Michael Rosander as Joseph Jenkins
- Anthony Reynolds as Jason Skynard
- Timmy Richardson as Miles
- Samantha Katelyn as Cindy
- Myke Holmes as Trace Mallery
- R. Keith Harris as Marcus
- GiGi Erneta as Nurse Amy
gollark: Not *exactly*, since it incentivizes actually making progress in the first place.
gollark: Intellectual property is among the weird and vaguely broken things too, come to think of it.
gollark: Also regulatory capture. That is highly bees.
gollark: Bye.
gollark: Probably should do something about monopolies and land allocation I guess.
- "Adrenaline". The Dove Foundation.
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