Academia Catarinense de Letras

The Academia Catarinense de Letras (ACL) (English: Catarinense Academy of Letters) is a Brazilian literary non-profit society, and it is the maximum literary authority in the State of Santa Catarina.

The ACL is located in the city of Florianópolis, at the Centro Integrado de Cultura Professor Henrique da Silva Fontes (CIC) (English: Integrated Cultural Center).


With the objective to promote the literary production and congregate the men of letters in Santa Catarina, the Sociedade Catharinense de Letras (Catarinense Society of Letters) was formed on October 30, 1920, from an invitation of José Boiteux.

The idea had been initiated twice in the previous decade by the then young writer Othon da Gama Lobo d'Eça, but it did not take off. But in May 1921 it had its statutes approved and fourteen founding members occupied their chairs. The Patrons for each chair were chosen, and distributed in alphabetical order.

In 1924, inspired by the Academia Brasileira de Letras, the society changes its name to Academia Catarinense de Letras. At the time, sixteen of the forty chairs were still vacant.

Differently from similar academies, the ACL has accepted women in their ranks from the very beginning, with Delminda Silveira being the first member of the chair number 10, and Maura de Senna Pereira the first member of chair number 38.


The Academia Catarinense de Letras is composed by forty writers either born in Santa Catarina or that made history in the State. The chairs are lifetime positions, that is, new members can only be chosen after the death of a current member. When a chair is vacant, the Academy organizes an election between the remaining members to choose the new member. Any writer can postulate the chair, as long as they have a published book. The members of the Academy are called "immortals".

List of the immortals and their chairs

Chair Patron Founder Successors
1 Álvaro de Carvalho Clementino Fausto Barcelos de Brito Arnaldo Silveira Brandão Edy Leopoldo Tremel
2 Antero dos Reis Dutra Laércio Caldeira de Andrada Silveira Júnior Urda Alice Klueger
3 Carlos de Faria Alfredo Filipe da Luz Paulo Lago Moacir Pereira
4 Cláudio Luís da Costa Luís Antônio Ferreira Gualberto Carlos da Costa Pereira José Ferreira da Silva ► João Alfredo Medeiros Vieira
5 Crispim Mira Leopoldo de Diniz Martins Júnior Theobaldo Costa Jamundá Francisco José Pereira
6 Duarte Mendes de Sampaio João Nepomuceno Manfredo Leite Paulo Gonçalves Weber Vieira da Rosa
7 Duarte Paranhos Schutel Juvêncio de Araújo Figueiredo Francisco de Oliveira e Silva Raulino Reitz Leatrice Moellmann
8 Eduardo Duarte Silva Marcos Konder Vítor Konder Carlos Gomes de Oliveira Polidoro Ernani de São Thiago Sílvio Coelho dos Santos Mário Pereira
9 Feliciano Nunes Pires Anfilóquio de Carvalho Gonçalves Ivens Bastos de Araújo Martinho José Calado Júnior João Nicolau Carvalho
10 Francisco Antônio Castorino de Farias Delminda Silveira Castorina Lobo de São Thiago Júlio de Queiroz
11 Francisco Carlos da Luz Edmundo da Luz Pinto Henrique Stodieck Glauco Rodrigues Correia Hoyêdo de Gouvêa Lins
12 Francisco Pedro da Cunha Heitor Pinto da Luz e Silva Holdemar Meneses Edson Ubaldo
13 Francisco Tolentino Tito Carvalho José Artulino Besen
14 Gustavo de Lacerda Silveira Lenzi
15 Cruz e Sousa Othon da Gama Lobo d'Eça Celestino Sachet
16 João Justino Proença Horácio Serapião de Carvalho Alcides Abreu
17 Jerônimo Coelho José Arthur Boiteux Oswaldo Rodrigues Cabral Carlos Humberto Pederneiras Corrêa
18 João Silveira de Sousa Henrique Fontes José Curi
19 Joaquim Antônio de São Tiago Arnaldo Claro São Tiago Arthur Pereira e Oliveira
20 Joaquim Augusto do Livramento Fúlvio Aducci Custódio Francisco de Campos Victor Antônio Peluso Júnior
21 Joaquim Gomes de Oliveira e Paiva Joe Collaço
22 Jonas de Oliveira Ramos Nereu Ramos Joaquim Domingues de Oliveira Luiz Gallotti
23 José Cândido de Lacerda Coutinho Altino Corsino da Silva Flores Flávio José Cardozo
24 José Johanny Francisco Barreiros Filho Liberato Manuel Pinheiro Neto
25 Juvêncio Martins Costa Amaro Seixas Ribeiro Neto Paschoal Apóstolo Pítsica
26 Lauro Müller Adolfo Konder Sylvia Amelia Carneiro da Cunha
27 Luís Delfino João Batista Crespo Pedro Bertolino
28 Lídio Martins Barbosa Osvaldo Melo Péricles Prade
29 Liberato Bittencourt Edmundo Acácio Soares Moreira Napoleão Xavier do Amarante
30 Manuel Joaquim de Almeida Coelho Lucas Alexandre Boiteux Jaldyr Bhering Faustino da Silva Jali Meirinho
31 Manuel José de Sousa França Henrique Boiteux Walter Piazza
32 Manuel dos Santos Lostada Gustavo Neves Lauro Junkes
33 Manuel da Silva Mafra Gil Costa Renato de Medeiros Barbosa
34 Marcelino Antônio Dutra Ogê Mannebach Jorge Borges Cordeiro da Silva
35 Martinho José Calado e Silva Haroldo Genésio Calado Lydio Martinho Calado
36 Oscar Rosas José dos Santos de Diniz Martins Iaponan Soares
37 Polidoro Olavo de São Tiago Ivo d'Aquino Fonseca Licurgo Ramos da Costa
38 Roberto Trompowski Maura de Senna Pereira Salomão Ribas Junior
39 Sebastião Catão Calado Carlos José da Mota de Azevedo Correia Almiro Caldeira de Andrada
40 Virgílio Várzea Nereu Correia Norberto Ungaretti
gollark: Is there not already working search?
gollark: So do you *need* some sort of pinning feature in your current workflow?
gollark: But if you get rid of one group of friends that wouldn't be a problem.
gollark: Maybe you have too many friends and should lose some.
gollark: Yes. Most things could.
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