A Perfect Little Man
A Perfect Little Man is a 1999 American independent short drama film directed and written by Jeff Hare starring Neal McDonough as "Billy Morrisson", Tom Hale as "Michael", Jennifer Jostyn as "Mindy", Doug Kruse as "Sid", Michael A. LeMelle as "Young Billy", Dana Lewis as "Ruth Morrison", Tegan West as "Jack Morrison", Peter John White as the "sleazy guy", and Delaine Yates as "Laura".
A Perfect Little Man | |
Directed by | Jeff Hare |
Written by | Jeff Hare |
Starring | Neal McDonough |
Release date |
Running time | 46 minutes |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
At the Atlantic City Film Festival, A Perfect Little Man got the Jury Award, with recipients including Neal McDonough for "Best Actor" and Jeff Hare for "Best Director - Short Film".
gollark: Fun times, that was. We were using JS to implement that weird stacky language.
gollark: Oh, like our interpreter race.
gollark: Probably just lack of experience and/or poor teaching, but still.
gollark: Some people seem to not really get how stuff, well, generalizes?
gollark: or at least not for a decade or more.
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