10 Days on the Island

Ten Days on the Island was a statewide cultural festival established in 2001 in Tasmania, Australia. It was established by the Tasmanian Government to provid opportunities for Tasmanian artists and companies to present their works to a wider audience, provides opportunities for the Tasmanian community to be exposed to national and international artists and companies of the highest quality, and assists in providing the state of Tasmania with a legacy of expert professional arts infrastructure.

Office of Ten Days on the Island

The biennial festival celebrates Tasmania’s island culture and offers a platform on which to profile and promote Tasmania’s innovative, creative and resourceful character and unique cultural identity.

Ten Days on the Island brings international recognition for Tasmania and demonstrates how the arts can positively influence a community’s perception of itself and the image it projects to the world.

Since its beginnings in 2001, Ten Days on the Island has become a catalyst for community engagement and involvement throughout Tasmania.

The original focus for Ten Days was on island themes and events from an international repertoire of island cultures, which exposed Tasmania as an island connected to a world of islands. More recently the international arts program has included artistic and creative works from all over the globe, celebrating Tasmania’s deep and wide connections to the world.

The inclusion of local Tasmanian artists in the international festival, and the presentation of events in communities throughout Tasmania is in line with Ten Days on the Island’s commitment to place Tasmanian audiences at the centre of a festival that is distinctly different and to position Tasmania, as a place, at the core of the celebration of distinctiveness.[1]


  1. "2019 Ten Days Festival | Ten Days on the Island". Ten Days on the Island. Retrieved 18 September 2018.
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