The Myth of Riverrise
The Myth of Riverrise was a scroll Cowlquape found in the Great Library of Sanctaphrax. It told the story of the beginning of all life in the Edge. It was a story told all over the Edgeworld, and there were many different versions of it. It was transcribed from original bark-writings by a scribe several hundred years before the events of Midnight Over Sanctaphrax, where it is described, although the originals were from the Time of Enlightenment.
"Once upon a velvet blackness came a spark. The spark turned. And the wind breathed. And the rain cried. And the sun smiled. And the first minute of all minutes came to pass."
"The Mother Storm did strike the highest point of that barren, jutting rockland and seed it with life."
"For as I write, it is now the commonly held belief that the Mother Storm has struck the Edge not once, but many times, destroying and creating with each return."
"Kobold the Wise grew old and weary. Madness walked the market glades and deep meadows. Tribe turned upon tribe, brother upon brother, father upon son, for the Sky had grown angry and stole the reason of all who dwelt beneath it. Thus did representatives of the Thousand Tribes gather at Riverrise, and say, "Kobold, you who see further into Open Sky than the greatest of us, tell us what to do, for, in our madness, we are devouring each other and the sky turns our hearts black. And Kobold raised himself up from his sick bed and said, "Lo, the Mother Storm returns. Her madness shall be our madness. Prepare yourselves, for time is short."
"The Mother Storm, she who first seeded the Edge with life, shall come back to reap what she has sown, and the world shall return to darkness."
"We are all but puppets, waiting for our strings to be tweaked. Our lives are nothing more than the workings of the unseen hand that holds those strings.”