Tag: xdg

44 Where should the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable be defined? 2011-12-08T05:26:13.987

22 How can I register a custom protocol with xdg? 2010-07-10T14:11:11.300

18 What are the step to move all your dotfiles into XDG directories? 2015-02-07T11:52:28.927

7 Problems with using xdg-mime default. The default was successfully set but it is not used via xdg-open 2015-08-25T19:45:50.227

7 xdg-open hogging the CPU by forking itself endlessly 2015-12-01T19:42:38.247

6 !xdg-open <URL> doesn't open the website in my default browser 2012-02-06T18:01:41.600

5 How to change the PDF reader of Chrome on Linux 2010-06-08T10:42:21.547

4 Picasa:// links in Google Chrome (Linux) 2010-01-05T12:50:20.080

4 How do I get current icon theme name in linux? 2013-04-12T14:11:34.177

4 google chrome. linux. XDG-OPEN keep asking me (forever) what to do with magnet links 2017-12-26T15:46:37.457

3 Rename Linux home folder structure to system language 2010-10-14T23:32:10.967

3 KDE launcher opens .desktop files in kate 2015-05-20T09:23:14.620

3 Where should userspecific application log files be stored in GNU Linux? 2018-02-10T22:28:44.757

2 Dissappearing those pesky .x* config files 2012-05-05T06:58:24.660

2 Redirecting xdg-open to another system? 2014-02-12T14:48:26.800

2 Mimetype not known on KDE (open-xdg, kde-open) 2015-01-11T12:02:11.090

2 XFCE Login Error: Unable to Load Failsafe Session 2015-03-09T16:10:10.473

2 Markdown files starting with '##' confuse KDE 2015-11-29T03:43:51.473

2 Downloads folder keeps coming back after I delete it 2016-01-20T13:54:56.610

2 Why does "xdg-open" with an URL open two extra empty tabs in Opera? 2016-07-30T01:18:16.520

2 How to configure Firefox open Zoom URLs using Zoom application 2018-07-24T23:27:32.943

1 right-click (xdg-open) opened up some opaque windows covering my screen; xkill won't kill them 2013-08-23T02:53:48.777

1 Unable to switch to greeter 2015-12-20T13:31:02.960

1 Using a shell script: How to get the icon name (or path) of an open window in X-based window manager? 2015-12-24T01:22:47.483

1 How to remove unwanted menu shortcuts in KDE so they don't come back after an update? 2016-07-18T06:09:48.253

1 Why is ~/.local/share a two-level directory? 2017-01-24T00:47:30.030

1 Is there any implementation of xdg-utils on MSYS2 or Cygwin? 2018-05-02T05:24:31.923

1 How to set default variable for a single command with env variables? 2020-02-09T20:18:58.557

0 Configure which program to use as terminal 2015-04-30T08:08:34.130

0 deluge "open folder" uses wrong application 2015-11-21T10:23:29.673

0 xdg-user-dirs won't update in linux applications 2016-09-01T00:01:57.520

0 KDE recent documents 2017-03-04T10:49:11.667

0 Links from Discord is stuck 2018-11-02T07:58:13.203

0 Can the mupdf history file be moved to a non-default location? 2019-03-19T21:13:07.947

0 How to avoid Firefox re-using a Firefox instance on another machine when sharing the same X11 DISPLAY? 2019-07-12T06:49:13.173