Tag: word-wrap

15 Wrapping long bash commands in script files 2011-01-24T10:39:43.490

4 How to fix vim textwidth during editing? 2012-01-28T19:20:30.757

3 Hard wrapping in vim without joining 2011-02-02T05:04:21.817

2 Wrap selection around ... in Notepad++ 2012-01-12T05:46:05.663

2 How to make Word Wrap insert newlines in Notepad++ 2014-12-04T16:12:14.317

2 How to get par formatter to not mangle paragraphs with non-space character prefixes, suffixes? 2015-06-02T15:37:27.427

2 Line wrap not working in tmux 2017-11-08T10:01:01.387

2 How to disable word wrapping in Sublime Text 3? 2018-02-25T15:53:34.633

1 How can I set text wrapping on an Excel chart in Word 2007? 2009-10-16T16:24:28.740

1 Turning word wrap on in Notepad++ with 4MB+ text files makes it intolerably slow, how to fix? 2011-07-17T15:57:59.380

1 how to permanently change the default wrapping for HTML files in Aquamacs? 2012-04-08T08:28:04.070

1 Is there a way in notepad++ to turn on word wrap for specific file types 2013-06-26T14:53:16.117

1 Printing from Notepad++ without word wrap 2014-05-23T04:08:37.973

1 How can I disable text wrap (in the middle of words) for a WHOLE powerpoint presentation at once? 2017-01-11T14:43:47.483

1 Excel 2010 Formatting Challenge 2017-03-25T04:26:12.507

1 Wrap text without CRLF in Notepad++ 2017-06-09T16:16:38.957

1 Can thunderbird wrap quoted messages automatically in plain text mode? 2018-09-06T08:04:55.333

1 Cannot backspace across wrapped lines in terminal 2019-08-22T23:49:50.167

0 How to turn off wordwrap in Microsoft word 2003 2010-11-11T04:04:35.413

0 Change the color for a keyword in Vim for ALL filetypes 2012-05-29T22:23:45.063

0 Wrap tab-right-aligned text on the right margin in Microsoft Word 2019-02-02T20:09:25.127

0 word 2007 Line nunbering hidden behind square wrapped shapes 2020-02-03T19:04:25.033

-1 Hard line wrapping in vim without joining in insert mode 2018-12-13T02:45:27.620