Tag: word-count

68 Count the number of words in a PDF file 2010-12-13T02:07:11.660

19 Word count for LaTeX within emacs 2010-03-28T15:12:40.243

15 How can I check the word count of selected text in Notepad++? 2017-07-06T19:54:04.587

8 Is there a software that performs a textual analysis on blogs? 2011-08-11T14:38:11.897

7 Word count excluding specific Styles? 2010-03-07T18:35:34.983

7 Word count for markdown? 2014-05-26T01:01:39.093

4 Word count for only section of document 2015-11-03T21:53:07.317

3 Notepad++ - Display Word Count in Status Bar 2017-02-07T01:17:42.853

3 How to count the occurrence of a specific string in notepad++? 2017-06-29T20:41:06.893

2 How to find the line with the maximum number of columns/characters in Vim/gVim? 2011-03-09T18:54:21.587

2 How to capture the result of a regex-powered command in Vim normal mode? 2011-03-30T14:03:36.580

2 Show percent completion in Word, with a target word count 2012-05-23T15:19:12.370

2 How to have emacs count an increment of words? 2012-12-02T07:08:57.863

2 How to embed tables and figures so they are not included in word count 2014-10-01T05:28:03.393

1 Fast regular expression that checks the number of times a character appears on a line in Vim? 2011-03-29T22:51:26.430

1 Website wordcount using WGET 2011-04-11T14:55:39.390

1 running word count in OpenOffice writer 2013-01-07T17:37:39.643

1 How to create an alphabetical index of a word document? 2015-03-24T09:59:38.190

1 How can I find out the longest entry in a dictionary? 2017-11-19T23:15:04.580

1 How to count the number of words in a Microsoft Excel file? 2018-01-05T11:37:24.743

0 Counting the occurence of a word in a collection of files in Linux 2010-06-16T15:04:42.933

0 List and count unique words from a Word document 2011-02-28T10:54:28.333

0 Microsoft Office Keyword Analysis 2011-10-11T13:03:54.177

0 Word Count in MS Excel 2010 2017-11-07T12:47:12.757

0 Hadoop on VMWare - Mapreduce example program fails to run 2019-05-05T06:35:35.630