Tag: windows-tabletpc

5 Trick Windows 7 into Thinking It Is Installed on a Tablet PC 2012-01-09T20:02:42.460

5 Automatically hibernate Windows 8.1 after 15+ minutes inactivity 2015-06-26T03:12:48.167

4 Onenote shortcut to change mouse cursor from pen mode to text mode 2011-10-22T10:09:32.343

4 Resizing signature on Adobe Reader on Windows 7 tablet 2012-05-06T02:13:04.583

4 Windows 10 command line to enable/disable tablet mode 2017-03-30T19:44:49.380

3 (Touch Tablet PC ) Minimising LCD power consumption? 2011-07-23T10:42:58.157

3 Tips for cleaning touch screen 2011-07-24T11:56:50.583

3 Can you charge a tablet and use a USB device at the same time? 2014-09-06T06:42:47.943

2 how can do a control drag with a touch screen 2018-09-30T00:28:08.657

1 How can I install Windows XP Tablet components? 2011-06-01T00:13:28.530

1 Synergy connection with windows 8 client 2013-05-01T06:10:22.657

1 Can the Surface RT be used to edit website code and test sites locally? 2013-08-05T12:18:06.347

1 How to access Windows 8 Tablet via Remote Desktop from PC 2015-04-01T08:12:50.950

1 Re - installing Windows 8 on a tablet, without usb-boot option 2015-06-26T20:13:43.350

1 How do I examine which kind of digitizer hardware for inductive stylus is built in my tablet? 2015-11-16T13:57:07.300

1 Getting out of the EFI Shell on Acer Windows 10 tablet with external keyboard not working 2017-09-03T13:44:29.137

1 how to make chrome start on startup in tablet mode 2019-05-14T23:52:51.090

0 Telnet session with tablet 2011-10-04T14:07:22.267

0 Use a TabletPC as an input device for another computer 2011-10-19T08:49:56.853

0 How to shut down the "Tablet PC input panel" in windows8 2012-12-26T02:13:06.143

0 How to select multiple words using touchscreen in win 8 2013-09-06T05:00:22.867

0 does a windows 8.1 tablet require an antivirus/antispyware program? 2014-08-07T02:58:46.643

0 Selectively Update App in Windows 8.1 Store 2014-12-21T00:01:54.440

0 Reduce text size on Windows 8.1 tablet 2015-07-29T17:47:40.773

0 Windows 8.1 doesn't know it's a tablet 2016-02-18T11:32:57.470

0 Acrobat fullscreen mode not working as intended on Microsoft Surface 2016-04-14T16:46:34.353

0 Create a Virtual Machine as a backup 2018-01-15T21:57:05.060

0 Store windows 7 and 10 config for all users 2018-10-25T11:01:25.647

0 Toshiba wt8-a not recognizing bootable device for Windows 10 2019-08-05T06:06:24.973

-1 Getting Windows 8.1 on a Chuwi 2015-08-07T04:08:47.353