Tag: websocket

2 How to simulate WebSocket failure on a macOS browser? 2019-11-12T16:18:38.763

1 WebSocket error for WhatsApp Web on Chrome on OSX 2015-07-27T06:11:15.660

1 Game server on a Raspberry Pi 2016-02-09T02:37:17.707

1 How to open a UDP port in the Centos 7 firewall, firewalld, using firewall-cmd? 2017-06-08T22:52:24.557

1 Websockify does not pass information further, connection is dropped prematurely 2017-09-20T16:11:04.180

1 Websocket connection timeout problems over wifi routers 2018-05-04T07:27:58.233

1 Can I use Cloudflare's SSL certificate with Mosquitto MQTT websocket? 2019-05-06T18:12:54.827

1 Will Windows Firewall block open websockets 2019-08-01T16:17:22.523

1 Apache2 reverse proxy HTTP + WWS page 2019-08-14T16:03:30.143

1 Logging websocket connections in Squid 2019-08-22T19:12:05.137

0 Meteor websocket connection failed using apache 2015-11-27T12:13:46.730

0 Where do I find the VPN and DNS settings on Windows 10 2016-03-15T09:50:19.063

0 DLNA and Web Sockets no longer work on my PC 2016-05-18T08:10:31.040

0 Opening above 1MLN connections stucks at 469K 2016-12-21T11:13:56.137

0 How does the Wifi router know which PC to forward a request to, when some PC is running a server program like Apache/IIS? 2017-09-14T10:51:57.153

0 (Errno 10048) Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted 2018-01-30T22:58:21.493

0 Several machines randomly hang with Ubuntu 14.04 2018-07-12T20:37:46.330

0 Websocket installation on IIS10, Windows 10 pro 2019-01-09T08:57:22.107

0 Starting nodejs server on 2 different ports with websocket giving EADDRINUSE 9856 on CentOS 2019-01-21T08:22:25.913

0 What does the "network.websocket.timeout.ping.request" configuration option do in Firefox? 2019-04-08T22:38:51.623

0 Expose port on Disco Dingo firewall 2019-05-08T16:52:01.573

0 debugging websocket from the cli 2019-05-28T14:34:09.920

0 LetsEncrypt cert works for HTTPS but not WSS 2019-06-04T02:56:24.927

0 How to get SSL on a websocket? 2019-06-11T16:22:47.673

0 python websockets exception handling 2019-06-18T13:58:46.960

0 Not able to test assertion in artillery.io with websocket apis using artillery-plugin-expect 2019-08-06T06:23:12.013

0 How to develop native service for windows 10 tablet? 2019-08-25T04:10:29.480

0 How to check whether a port is opened on server or not? 2019-09-18T08:30:52.507

0 AWS: WebSockets API as VPC Endpoint 2019-10-15T16:00:09.363

0 How to run a socket.io app on apache? 2019-11-01T21:44:17.790

0 Why does the test pass in go1.12 but fails in g1.13 due to "bad handshake?" 2019-11-11T12:13:45.767

-1 Does a websocket connection to an external server go through website or direct? 2015-08-04T13:15:56.967

-1 Microsoft Edge 44.18362.387.0 - SCRIPT12017: WebSocket Error connecting to wss://localhost:8990/ws 2019-10-10T14:53:14.877

-1 I get "HTTP Authentication failed; no valid credentials available" on a saved website 2020-02-29T10:14:31.213