Tag: versioning

16 Automatic versioning upon file change (modify/create/delete) 2011-12-15T09:29:53.063

9 Does Word 2013 have version control? 2013-10-09T22:19:29.690

6 Distinction between a/b versions of Matlab? 2010-09-16T01:50:04.693

6 How do I delete text that has Track Changes comments without deleting the comments? 2015-07-21T15:23:51.453

4 Versioning files in Windows XP 2010-02-25T22:08:06.623

4 Is there a distro with the official packages? 2010-10-08T13:09:29.413

4 Is there any simple text file format that supports versioning? 2010-10-10T21:14:33.887

3 what do the numbers in VERSIONs mean? 2010-05-05T16:59:08.810

3 Teamdrive/Tonido/Syncplicity-like Servers? (like Dropbox) 2011-04-15T15:17:52.513

3 What comes after the underscore in an RPM version string? 2012-05-21T15:16:23.867

2 How hard is it to set up a versioning file system, like NetApp's "snaptshots"? 2009-08-09T10:03:58.087

2 How does RPM determine newer package 2009-11-16T12:17:46.210

2 How can I disable color highlighting and marks of versioning in NetBeans? 2010-09-30T15:20:22.293

2 What is the purpose of Mozilla's "Rapid Release Plan"? 2011-06-28T18:44:25.997

2 Merge master functionality into shared branches in Git 2011-07-27T14:57:48.977

2 Single-user, multiple-computer versioning system 2012-01-07T22:24:56.550

2 Restore to a previous backup point with Windows 7 backup 2012-12-07T08:12:03.193

2 Git Extensions shows results that don't match search filters as well as results that match 2014-01-08T16:20:48.877

1 Version checker. Has anyone else had this issue? 2009-12-29T15:31:09.810

1 Versioning or Zipping working files 2010-08-29T20:46:37.010

1 Sharing Home Directory Files w/ Versioning 2011-03-22T17:36:18.923

1 Is there a way to use GitHub for Mac for GitHub remote and CLI for other remote? 2011-08-15T19:24:28.303

1 developing code in multiple locations 2012-11-24T20:53:02.523

1 Windows File History to FTP 2017-06-14T19:05:09.427

0 Bazaar merge identical files 2010-04-07T18:41:35.663

0 Use SVN/GIT for Software Versioning history? Or something else? 2010-06-04T10:00:31.953

0 Microsoft Excel file versions 2012-01-20T17:11:03.613

0 Secure Local Code Repository vs Remote Development 2013-03-26T21:06:29.557

0 Load-balancing to different versions 2019-10-06T08:41:33.610

0 Package version numbers when using MSBUILD 2019-10-21T12:11:07.533

0 Pip: installing a newer module version with `--user` option 2020-02-03T16:37:27.420