Tag: verification

130 How can I check the integrity of a video file (avi, mpeg, mp4...)? 2010-01-25T12:54:46.033

21 Verifying Time Machine backups 2009-09-27T21:22:28.107

8 How to get apt-get source verification working? 2013-08-01T17:42:10.407

7 Is there a way to copy with verification or just verify copied data 2014-06-25T03:52:36.787

7 How to verify a download file using a .sig file and public key, in Windows 10? 2017-11-15T10:01:44.227

5 Verify burned CD image 2010-05-11T14:08:27.133

5 GnuPG Command Line - Verifying KeePass Signature 2011-03-07T05:18:00.233

5 recursive file/directory verification on linux 2012-09-13T04:35:21.593

4 How to turn off verification after DVD burning on OS X? 2009-12-15T22:58:52.743

4 Checking for dead links in a html file? 2010-05-10T03:25:55.050

4 How can I download a cryptographically signed version the Java JDK from Oracle? 2010-10-24T12:14:41.790

4 Is there any file check summing software which deals correctly with deep paths? 2013-06-16T21:54:06.557

4 Why does email allow sender impersonation? 2014-04-26T09:46:09.587

4 SSH key verification for many hosts behind a single DNS name 2016-03-16T16:29:21.193

4 Is there a faster way to verify that a drive has been fully zeroed? 2019-12-15T20:52:48.193

3 What are the correct options to use to verify video files using ffmpeg.exe in Windows 7? 2013-03-28T10:44:30.730

2 Password manager with checking for expired logins and passwords 2009-09-25T21:10:46.623

2 How can I verify the reliability/integrity of a DVD? 2013-05-23T02:23:56.690

1 On Mac, after downloading a file, how to you do a checksum? 2010-06-09T01:39:33.277

1 Burning iso images with wodim loses 2048 bytes at the end 2010-06-21T23:38:28.803

1 Mac OS X - Time Machine backup fails verification - What can I do to save the history? 2010-07-10T11:39:51.860

1 Confirm Ubuntu updates 2012-04-01T14:20:30.133

1 Windows 8 e-mail verification address cannot be changed when incorrect 2012-11-04T01:55:00.940

1 Current alternative to the old CHECKSUM program 2012-11-22T01:52:33.383

1 Transcode FLAC to FLAC without losing any metadata and replacing source files after validation 2014-11-09T23:54:05.123

1 Verify GPG tarballs from command line with signer's public key block? 2015-03-03T03:27:42.173

1 How can I cryptographically verify that someone owns the website they claim to? 2015-05-07T02:29:42.477

1 How do I verify if a conversion from docx to pdf is correct? 2018-08-15T14:31:46.973

1 How to get a history of Google verification codes 2018-12-08T08:21:44.743

1 Verifying Deployment for Windows 7 ESU 2020-01-16T19:06:41.613

0 How to check DVD integrity at max read speed of DVD writer 2009-12-05T11:51:43.240

0 Verifying permissions on OSX 2012-12-05T11:23:02.113

0 How do I login to applications with a Google account that uses 2-Step Verification? 2013-07-10T18:24:02.600

0 Check if verified list of emails at Paypal 2014-10-08T07:42:28.077

0 Cannot Verify iCoud Account 2015-01-05T05:32:41.140

0 How to batch check audio files can play 2015-03-30T08:33:25.473

0 Fedora CHECKSUM giving error in Windows 2015-04-08T17:31:22.037

0 Is there a way to verify that the PayPal account used to make a payment is legitimate? 2015-12-29T02:47:43.863

0 Windows 10 Image (WIM) validation 2016-05-10T11:23:48.950

0 Clonezilla's checksums file verification using signature with gpg extension 2017-02-11T20:56:47.983

0 How to validate Windows 7 COA? 2017-04-21T22:11:24.643

0 Last folder structure before the re-imaged drive 2017-10-18T20:31:14.753

0 SSH Remote host identification has changed error tried deleting known_hosts 2019-04-02T04:15:52.703

0 openssl pkeyutl RSA signature verification works with -verifyrecover but not with -verify 2019-04-16T13:37:24.610

0 Error Message in Process Analysis Toolkit (PAT) 2019-08-17T04:56:54.060

0 Verify Windows updates on linux system 2019-12-22T16:11:37.690

-1 Maintain a hashcode- (checksum-) file differentially 2016-09-27T09:04:38.630