Tag: unison

17 How reliable is Unison? Did it ever ruin your data? 2009-11-04T12:35:40.947

13 How to use unison's path option with multiple paths? 2012-04-21T22:17:47.897

11 One-way syncing/backup with Unison 2010-01-18T20:55:59.913

11 make rsync wait for a confirmation before actually changing files 2011-05-13T10:14:55.130

11 How to make unison ignore all files with .swp extension 2013-03-21T02:04:39.170

6 Does Unison socket mode support ipv6 2011-08-01T18:17:41.183

6 How to sync only one file type with Unison? 2012-01-28T12:48:44.107

6 Stop Excel from changing file contents upon open 2012-09-20T08:11:17.217

5 Unison: ignore by size? 2011-06-14T23:57:34.177

5 Synchronize two directories on linux pc 2012-11-26T10:14:36.043

5 Unison not ignoring paths 2018-08-21T09:16:41.903

4 Annoying unison.log on Mac OS X home 2010-08-28T15:39:21.050

4 Syncing or version controlling virtualbox VMs 2011-06-27T16:56:48.413

3 Unix Permissions: Enable access to files no matter the user? 2010-12-20T07:41:44.907

3 Scoping ignore declarations in unison 2011-07-08T18:41:09.970

3 How to tell unison the local replica is just local (doesn't matter what hostname)? 2013-01-15T19:12:16.303

3 Retaining creation date with unison 2013-10-29T01:27:38.567

3 Sync multiple hosts using unison 2014-02-05T13:19:18.513

3 Making unison ignore file property differences 2017-01-11T22:11:23.130

3 How do you ignore all files but not subdirectories with Unison? 2018-08-19T05:42:21.817

2 File synchronization between 3 places? 2009-12-03T11:36:46.553

2 sync mobile device with a local server 2010-07-06T15:06:33.097

2 Unison -repeat watch will only sync when a change is made client side 2012-10-28T08:13:21.060

2 Will the option NOATIME in /etc/fstab ruin my Unison synchronizations? 2013-10-03T00:55:31.170

2 Synchronizing folders, configurations, programs, local server and database on 2 debian machines 2013-11-07T08:13:56.717

2 Auto-resolving conflict with unison 2015-06-02T11:13:44.457

2 What is the easiest way to keep an Unison profile synchronized across machines that cannot communicate directly 2015-09-28T16:40:46.063

2 Unison sync with WD NAS 2016-01-09T16:10:13.770

2 Using Unison to sync only folders named `src` 2017-07-24T18:48:06.220

2 Mirror 2 linux machines 2017-09-10T15:25:11.807

2 Can Unison be made to ignore bind mounts or hard links? 2018-09-30T07:13:25.623

1 How to Duplicate Dropbox/Ubuntu One Folder Synchronization In-House? 2009-08-20T20:15:20.970

1 Unison on OS X -- Cannot connect 2009-10-30T22:41:59.617

1 Use unison between two Windows PCs 2010-06-26T15:22:13.513

1 Is there a way to globally specify where Unison should log? 2011-02-11T20:24:44.987

1 Backup files from Linux client to Windows Server 2013-10-22T07:05:16.067

1 Errors installing ocaml using homebrew on OS X 2013-10-28T00:26:24.007

1 How to keep two directories on two unconnected machines in sync via emailing of delta-archives 2014-04-04T06:00:49.853

1 How do I make Unison behave like rsync? 2015-07-24T19:31:47.747

1 What happens if shutdown command kills my unison cron job? 2015-11-15T21:39:30.427

1 Unison sync of sshfs mount - what can go wrong if the connection breaks? 2017-03-09T08:02:40.483

1 Unison with macOS and times set to true (times = true) 2017-03-28T18:11:57.253

1 How do I ignore folders and its subdirectories in Unison sync 2017-11-29T15:05:01.600

1 Prefer the other machine without having to set up a socket? 2018-06-14T19:01:14.360

1 How do I keep two external drives synced in two ways? 2018-09-15T16:39:51.947

1 Linux file/directory ownership: I can cp a file but not backup via unison 2018-11-21T01:07:10.347

1 Make unison delay synchronization until file transfer is complete 2019-07-10T10:56:45.253

1 Unison ignore all files in path except for html files 2019-10-15T14:43:43.127

0 How do I ignore errors with Unison? 2013-02-28T03:46:55.007

0 How to use unison to sync files in ext4 filesystem with FAT filesystem? (permission bit) 2013-03-30T12:50:18.877

0 Unison fails to synchronize some git repositories 2013-08-08T15:35:17.047

0 two-way sync between mac and unix 2013-10-20T23:52:25.537

0 ash: command not found 2013-10-28T05:42:02.500

0 Unison profiles root/path issues 2013-10-28T22:49:07.197

0 How can I run a non-service EXE on Windows XP as a service that will always run and automatically restart? 2013-12-10T15:07:52.283

0 How to back up a password database and to keep 15 older versions? 2013-12-22T11:59:00.457

0 Can I synchronize Sublime Text? 2014-08-17T12:54:22.280

0 Sync with remote encrypted storage 2015-03-12T16:02:33.613

0 Using unison between two hosts over differents networks 2015-09-10T12:20:40.010

0 using unison with bitvise 2015-09-17T05:59:31.070

0 unison-fsmonitor fails on BashOnWindows 2017-04-06T03:25:07.757

0 Unison: don't treat root folder deletion as something that needs to sync? 2018-07-11T17:19:22.460

0 Uninstall newer version of Unison and install older version using OS X brew 2019-05-27T08:13:26.647

0 unison: two computers, one external hard drive 2019-07-01T20:29:52.273

-1 Has anyone tried to monitor kbfs with incrond? 2018-11-24T12:16:07.723