Tag: umount

19 Lazy umount or Unmounting a busy disk in Linux 2012-04-13T14:47:24.740

16 Why is "sudo unmount" required for unmounting an sshfs-mount if it was mounted without sudo privilges? 2012-05-13T07:09:27.313

13 How to really force unmount a filesystem (without manual investigation why is it busy) 2010-08-12T10:15:32.910

10 How to stop jbd2 to release a device 2014-07-28T12:17:26.457

6 How to umount / ? It's busy 2012-05-26T20:17:18.247

5 mount and umount behaving differently when run under cron 2018-06-08T04:32:02.437

4 Why Linux /etc/fstab UUIDs are case sensitive? 2013-01-07T14:18:41.120

4 Using dd command fails after the first mount 2015-11-05T12:58:43.910

3 How do I umount device that has been mounted twice 2011-10-19T18:21:53.040

3 why can't I umount /home? 2013-01-14T16:49:09.617

3 Partition went read-only, how to mount it again? 2013-12-18T14:02:07.300

2 Unmount unnecessary drives 2011-06-24T10:49:38.387

2 What exactly happens when you "mount" a drive? 2013-04-10T07:39:00.623

2 Why my Fedora 26 is not unmounting /home? 2017-07-13T01:28:46.657

2 /var, /var/log on separate partition fails to umount on shutdown, how to debug 2019-02-20T17:07:14.440

1 How to unmount a USB drive which is not mounted under /media directory 2014-04-03T18:57:00.930

1 fuse + encfs, can mount but cannot unmount with fusermount 2014-07-09T17:08:21.770

1 How to unmount dvd (external usb) via eject button on device? 2015-05-27T08:10:03.427

1 umount device or mount point? 2015-11-11T17:08:34.273

1 PowerShell Script unmounting All mounted images 2017-03-11T13:35:50.247

1 how to get fsck to work on a LUKS encrypted partition that for some reason will not umount 2018-08-06T19:50:41.800

0 How to free up block device that is mounted to an inaccessible place? 2011-01-03T23:00:40.303

0 Explain why unmounting of DVD/CDROM media via command line says "its busy" 2011-08-08T14:31:39.230

0 Unmount One hard-drive and re-mount it as another directory in Unix 2012-02-19T14:30:39.780

0 Why do macs require to eject usb, but windows and linux dont? 2013-04-10T07:36:42.850

0 How to umount vdi mounted with vdfuse 2013-06-10T18:59:23.930

0 LXDE - what command is isued when "eject" icon is pressed to umount FS 2013-06-18T18:15:10.353

0 How to umount file.tar.bz (that was mounted with archivemount) without needing sudo 2013-06-20T02:16:00.313

0 device or resource busy, despite that it is not mounted and nobody is using it 2014-05-14T22:24:03.733

0 Error mounting fstab 2014-07-14T22:22:35.340

0 Does linux perform a pumount on shutdown? 2014-08-28T10:16:38.133

0 How to recover from an "umount -a -l" 2014-11-15T02:50:50.167

0 How to properly clone /dev/sda on /dev/sdb 2015-11-06T07:16:22.467

0 removed devices still appear as attached 2015-12-07T14:37:24.767

0 Remount of USB drive partition on /boot silently failing after umount 2016-03-03T18:34:51.200

0 Ubuntu 14.04 - need help on umount 2017-09-01T13:51:25.990

0 Disk encryption utility does not start after emergency reboot during upgrade 2018-10-25T17:37:01.170

0 Unmount busy filesystem 2018-12-24T08:26:00.140

0 deleted filesystem by mistake, cannot delete mount point 2019-08-24T17:19:44.387