Tag: textpad

29 Export all regular expression matches in Textpad or Notepad++ as a list 2012-09-20T18:17:05.480

10 TextPad keeps other windows and apps from being in front or on top 2011-10-04T16:54:06.013

5 regex replace with textpad 2009-12-17T17:08:48.730

5 How to add single quote " ' "at beginning and end of an 5 pos integer 2012-09-11T18:23:34.133

2 Textpad 6.1 opens new blank tab when opening document (Windows XP SP3) 2012-08-07T06:24:37.840

2 Can i open file in TEXTPAD in same tab instead of a separate instance of textpad 2017-07-16T03:09:07.987

1 Textpad - Open new files in same instance by default 2009-11-05T22:09:53.100

1 Textpad multiple instance setting seems to be ignored 2010-07-02T19:51:17.447

1 TextPad Tortoise Merge Tool 2010-11-02T11:19:12.570

1 Deleting blocks of variable text in TextPad using Regex 2012-02-17T15:39:44.280

1 Regular expression replace in Textpad where search term spans multiple lines 2012-03-07T23:09:12.177

1 Regular expression to replace in TextPad 2012-10-29T13:01:31.770

1 TextPad Command Line Argument: Open in Existing TextPad Instance 2014-09-02T00:27:31.597

1 textpad 8 regular expression with multiple conditions 2017-09-19T15:59:59.920

1 How to install apps using Built-In SYSTEM account in Win 10 PE Live Rescue Environment? 2018-08-01T11:56:09.760

1 Can Notepad++ remember line position? 2018-08-19T19:54:10.733

0 Strange corruption saving from Textpad 5 within Windows 7-64 VirtualBox VM to shared folder with Mac host 2011-06-25T00:11:55.583

0 TextPad printing to incorrect printer 2012-06-21T14:25:19.963

0 Open new file in TextPad using current instance, allowing for multiple instances 2012-09-21T19:45:06.713

0 how to get column markers with free text editors 2012-12-11T21:02:22.240

0 Auto open files in Textpad 2015-01-13T00:14:20.290

0 How to replace from second occurrence 2015-03-12T14:08:57.057

0 Regular expression for find in files in Textpad 2015-07-31T06:52:13.527

0 Textpad 7 - how to turn off tabbed document interface? 2015-08-26T23:05:44.133

0 Replace multiple words in multiple files 2016-05-17T10:47:13.340

0 Is there a way to duplicate characters on a single line using regular expression? 2016-09-02T16:05:48.017

0 TextPad resizing open files 2019-04-23T19:39:31.987

0 regex replace with textpad 2019-09-10T15:21:13.273

0 Textpad - Open multiple files in one instance with right click 2020-02-12T15:08:52.473

-2 Inserting line before lines containing a particular word 2014-06-25T07:49:40.877