Tag: teracopy

16 Copying many files without stopping on errors on OSX 2012-08-07T11:12:50.960

13 Over gigabit connection, Teracopy does 31MB/s, but Windows 8 does it at ~109MB per second? 2013-04-13T15:51:02.047

9 How to make Teracopy close its window after transferring a file? 2010-02-04T10:11:49.187

7 Alternative to TeraCopy that preserves directory timestamps? 2011-03-10T11:31:10.287

4 Teracopy: "File read" vs "OK" status 2015-04-06T12:04:16.020

3 TeraCopy error message: "Operation did not complete ... file contains a virus", yet my antivirus did not prompt me about any detected viruses 2012-06-27T06:25:54.730

2 TeraCopy does not start copying automatically 2011-04-16T12:21:34.743

2 How much faster is copying files though TeraCopy vs. Windows 7 native copy function? 2013-12-24T22:23:59.427

2 TeraCopy not being used as default copy handler 2015-01-03T17:51:59.287

2 What does the grey progression bar represent in TeraCopy? 2015-01-30T00:57:53.593

2 Teracopy not being used as handler for copying files onto phone's storage 2015-08-16T15:12:07.303

1 teracopy and archive bit? 2010-11-23T09:23:50.823

1 Force Applications to use Teracopy 2012-06-29T09:46:00.770

0 How do dynamic buffers reduce seek times? 2012-10-27T08:03:42.653

0 Discrepency in number of files transferred in Teracopy 2015-07-06T01:57:44.303

0 how to improve speed of File transfer operation 2016-03-05T20:54:42.583

0 How can I configure TeraCopy so that it retries copying a file in case of a CRC mismatch? 2017-04-13T11:49:18.977

0 Teracopy - cannot close popup as file not there but it keeps looking for it 2020-02-21T20:07:39.360