Tag: tcp

109 Must TCP use IP? 2012-07-16T20:18:35.873

74 How does Router know where to forward packet 2010-02-07T13:11:07.913

67 What does "On-link" mean on the result of "route print" command? 2009-10-24T17:10:12.337

49 How do I kill a process that is dead but listening? 2010-11-26T15:24:16.540

44 What happens to TCP connections when I remove the ethernet cable? 2015-05-07T08:37:15.043

42 What does SSH use UDP for? 2014-04-16T08:09:12.497

37 Why is it bad to have open ports? 2009-12-13T00:12:33.927

29 How can I see traffic on Windows using Wireshark? 2012-11-21T01:32:29.817

28 How are source ports determined and how can I force it to use a specific port 2016-08-29T10:01:37.133

26 How do IP answer packets reach their destination inside of a private LAN? 2012-03-17T12:25:24.657

26 How does HTTP become stateless? 2014-10-13T02:00:27.187

24 Ethernet vs TCP vs IP? 2010-11-02T21:22:27.343

24 Do browsers create new TCP connections for each HTTP requests? 2011-12-08T21:52:14.603

23 Is there a hard limit of 65536 open TCP connections per IP address on linux? 2011-02-28T23:53:45.777

23 what is type of ICMP packets? TCP or UDP 2013-11-11T22:07:42.923

17 what is TCP Half Open Connection and TCP half closed connection 2011-06-18T15:09:35.303

17 Open a test TCP connection to a specified IP/Port 2012-02-21T20:25:23.303

16 Does the sequence number of TCP packet headers wrap around? 2015-09-02T09:42:55.123

15 Why Windows 7 / PuTTY drop TCP connections even on very brief outages? 2013-01-07T20:02:35.717

13 Why is multi thread downloading faster than single thread? 2011-03-24T02:59:31.190

13 On the Performance of TCP implementations of Linux and Windows 2011-11-08T14:31:36.837

12 How exactly does a proxy work? 2011-04-01T21:27:40.267

12 if a TCP packet got partially acknowledged, how will the retransmission mechanism react? 2013-05-22T12:57:34.113

11 What's the minimum size of a TCP packet 2011-02-08T11:40:56.223

11 How does circumventing IP restrictions through DNS work in the case of hulu.com? 2012-05-10T08:06:21.807

11 In TCPView, why does the svchost.exe process need to listen on so many TCP and UDP ports 2012-05-25T09:34:44.157

11 What ports are used by an application 2015-05-06T07:07:17.917

10 What do the numbers used in a IPV6 address mean? 2012-01-18T12:41:47.273

10 The best way to do TCP/IP over USB on Linux 2013-05-10T03:03:18.260

9 TCP Retransmission vs. TCP Fast Retransmission 2011-04-07T08:53:01.850

9 Why is port 1111 open, and is it safe to be? 2012-07-19T14:29:25.370

9 Get the current/default value of TCP initcwnd on Linux 2013-02-28T14:01:47.730

9 Why is my UDP so slow? 2013-04-09T01:56:48.520

8 Puzzling TCP performance over 3G / UMTS 2012-12-04T19:07:42.227

8 Redirect serial com to tcp port 2013-07-02T07:46:37.773

8 How does a server get notified about the HTTP request? 2014-10-31T04:52:16.410

7 How to monitor TCP connections over time 2013-07-21T23:19:01.690

7 Localhost tcp throughput performance differences 2014-12-27T22:23:06.450

7 OpenVPN working with TCP not with UDP 2015-08-12T08:50:40.157

6 What does it mean when a portscan shows a port as "tcpwrapped"? 2009-12-17T04:33:51.773

6 How to make tcpdump (or other tool) to actually dump TCP stream? 2011-07-08T17:59:47.417

6 What is the difference between :::: and from the netstat -an output? 2012-12-05T22:37:28.043

6 What type of TCP connections are counted? 2013-05-09T12:45:31.007

6 What's up with port 8080 on my OSX box? 2014-01-15T00:31:17.970

6 Connection remains flagged as ESTABLISHED even if host is unconnected 2016-01-05T08:29:05.300

6 iptables reject tcp-reset on loopback 2016-06-28T22:55:49.780

6 Windows 10 loss of TCP connectivity 2016-11-28T20:55:55.333

5 Is there a half-open TCP connection limit in Win 7? 2009-07-16T04:15:56.813

5 Good process specific packet sniffer / viewer? 2009-10-27T05:11:42.037

5 TCP Implementation on Mac OS X 2009-11-04T05:41:43.353

5 iptables for transparent TCP proxy 2011-04-12T18:22:08.890

5 Cannot connect to guest OS from host OS 2011-05-24T18:54:29.617

5 Windows 7 firewall causing remote connection to time out; should refuse connection 2011-11-10T18:28:13.220

5 Does TCP/UDP send file sequentially or randomnly? 2011-12-19T07:31:04.763

5 Find processes listening on the wildcard address in `lsof` 2013-02-03T16:10:53.953

5 How does TCP get the MSS values for a certain path? 2013-05-21T17:08:03.943

5 How to send data to tcp server from command prompt 2014-05-22T16:02:03.377

5 How to share via TCP serial port CAT 2015-05-21T22:52:07.110

5 Data retransmission and WSAECONNABORTED (10053) socket error 2015-06-04T09:36:30.613

5 How to list socket options of running processes? 2015-11-28T05:26:06.040

5 Is an ACK necessary when using reliable protocols like TCP? How much overhead / throughput penalty does it create? 2016-12-24T11:52:22.270

4 Remotely push DNS server to client via OpenVPN 2009-11-02T20:35:22.183

4 (linux) tool to monitor "quality" of tcp connection? 2010-02-18T20:08:15.853

4 How to manually do a TCP handshake 2011-04-07T04:23:21.230

4 How to use DNS over TCP? 2011-05-29T15:41:13.250

4 How does Ident work? 2011-08-20T06:12:48.747

4 Linux Command Line Tools for Analyzing OS + NIC TCP Latency 2011-09-14T21:21:15.243

4 Kill established tcp connection on Linux 2011-11-02T17:57:22.597

4 What is the purpose of ports? 2012-01-22T02:06:52.133

4 How can I setup a Bluetooth device to serve web pages to a BT client via TCP/HTTP? 2012-03-10T21:04:31.960

4 How does the link speed affect TCP throughput? 2012-07-20T13:47:08.043

4 How to make Firefox use TCP for DNS 2012-09-16T19:27:47.180

4 Samba not connectable "Go away, we're not home" 2013-01-18T12:53:51.537

4 Is there a way to kill an open connection without killing the process? 2013-03-05T20:41:13.613

4 intercept TCP/UDP Packets on a host before they are sent to or recevied from the network 2013-03-21T18:04:46.427

4 find the process which is listening on a specific port 2013-04-24T14:27:30.370

4 TCP header option: SACK-permitted (Selective Acknowledgments) negotiation 2013-05-10T00:23:55.747

4 Detect what outgoing ports are bypassed by firewall 2013-06-16T03:05:17.277

4 Wireshark - How do i filter the TCP[RST] packet? 2013-07-30T11:39:15.150

4 Can't connect to SSH server using WAN IP address 2013-10-09T20:26:37.187

4 Why does writing IP addresses this alternate way work, and is there a practical use case for it? 2014-02-17T14:31:45.393

4 How to force a process transmit over UDP instead of TCP? 2014-03-07T16:22:07.547

4 TCP vs UDP. Sending data on a closed port 2014-04-23T00:47:36.177

4 Benchmark maximum number of TCP connections on Windows Server 2012 2014-05-22T08:55:05.243

4 Why does firefox send TCP packets even when idle? 2015-07-05T16:30:42.997

4 What TCP / network tuning should be performed in Windows 7 for best internet performance without reasonable risk of causing issues? 2015-09-24T18:07:14.743

4 Why ICMP is different that TCP and UDP? 2016-02-23T08:39:49.003

4 Error 800 connecting to VPN on certain networks on Windows 10 2017-04-04T03:41:22.003

4 How can a zombie process hold system resources like a TCP port? 2017-04-08T11:12:27.577

4 how do the world's peer to peer networks handle UDP hole punching? 2017-10-17T01:29:00.120

4 How to send binary data in netcat to an already established connection? 2018-03-25T13:43:56.083

3 What do these remote addresses, local addresses, and states in TCPview mean? 2009-12-18T18:03:11.790

3 Can I use TCP as DNS query protocol on Mac OS? 2010-05-19T13:28:05.147

3 Examine open TCP connections on Mac 2010-10-11T20:16:37.130

3 Inbound TCP connection limit in Windows 7 2011-03-04T10:09:29.703

3 How to increase transfer speed on fat long pipe? 2011-06-22T20:01:07.153

3 How can I open a TCP/UDP connection on Linux? 2011-07-06T15:45:32.683

3 Distinct Proxying for any TCP-related Protocol 2011-07-07T21:13:35.860

3 iodine fails its ping test 2011-07-09T15:37:31.160