Tag: tail

0 Running `tail -F $file` then removing outputted lines 2013-10-15T12:49:49.200

0 Why chain of commands that runs fine on local doesn't run on SSH? 2014-12-31T15:16:39.253

0 Copy huge file skipping first line using dd in Linux 2015-01-29T16:33:11.563

0 Is there a way to make tail output newlines? 2015-02-09T16:52:47.193

0 How to grep for line numbers in a binary file? 2015-04-06T19:14:34.427

0 MS-DOS show a list of excecuted commands 2015-12-15T10:45:27.270

0 How to join files using 'tail' command while displaying limited lines 2016-01-12T05:57:28.287

0 display number of files in current moment like what tail -f do 2016-04-15T17:56:32.293

0 Monitor log live for error. If error = rerun command and restart log monitoring, if not found = keep monitoring forever 2016-05-25T18:59:03.637

0 Grep with multiple patterns used on the command 2016-08-11T09:25:03.737

0 Use Cygwin to tail multiple files 2017-03-11T21:47:44.540

0 how to tail into the last file on a remote server via ssh 2018-02-03T09:00:57.133

0 How to remain in session after exiting tailf command from remote script 2018-02-04T10:55:09.460

0 Strip off previous lines in tail or less 2018-02-26T13:27:59.000

0 tail -f over network with Putty 2018-09-25T13:36:21.430

0 How to send email based on log file entry 2019-05-17T18:54:52.233

0 Perform a command when a specific text occurs in a log file 2019-06-03T19:26:50.393

0 How to write each new mail to a separate file using tail -f? 2019-07-30T11:37:10.797

0 Linux head/tail commands' man page does not show the '-LINES' argument 2019-11-06T10:56:41.803

0 Command Line Number Line Not In Sync 2019-12-03T17:28:23.897

0 tail -n1 on latest non-empty line 2020-01-21T22:29:37.840

-1 Show matched lines for a given regex at Linux 2012-06-20T11:18:26.887

-1 command nohup tail with redirection in shell script not invoked properly under a particular situation 2015-09-11T18:22:25.040

-1 Tail logs and use grep to exclude specific lines 2016-03-30T15:02:57.827

-1 Tail and strip unwanted content from each line 2017-11-07T13:53:54.940