Tag: svn-server

4 Visual Svn Server: How to restrict edit by specified IP Address 2014-12-15T19:54:32.393

3 What's the principle behind OpenSSH subsystems (or command= option)? 2012-05-16T19:16:08.653

2 VisualSVN Server working through IIS on 443 2010-09-09T18:39:07.570

2 Trying to find the path for subversion 2012-09-11T11:32:16.383

2 Launch of daemon for subversion server fails, but works in shell 2017-03-09T15:48:15.090

1 On an SVN repository, can you ignore all extensions except one? 2010-04-20T18:36:52.063

1 Can't connect to svnserve on localhost - connection actively refused 2010-09-26T13:44:14.157

1 shell script post commit hook that just does date > /tmp/post-commit.log nothing is written to log file 2011-04-23T09:43:18.557

1 SVN on fileshare - user cannot commit - cannot open file 'txn-current-lock' 2011-08-29T18:15:35.600

1 Protecting a SVN server 2011-11-18T14:38:38.790

1 How should I change to svn protocol instead of http 2012-01-03T11:51:06.260

1 How to change SVN server IP address in client system after a checkout? 2012-10-22T05:31:42.680

1 Apache Won't Start, SVN unable to connect 2013-04-23T17:29:31.957

1 Where is my project located on the SVN server? 2014-08-10T12:25:12.170

1 Can't log in to SVN server 2014-08-23T14:32:05.953

1 How to autostart svnserve on reboot and specify the default svn path? 2015-01-06T14:15:27.000

1 How close to 1:1 is SVN server storage usage vs pulled down content size? 2015-06-25T20:46:05.083

1 SVN Server config for not allow same message commit from client 2015-09-14T02:45:38.547

1 Redirect subdomain to Docker container using NGINX 2018-10-31T08:25:56.150

1 Filtering my svn repo. How to find the space hogs? 2019-08-28T13:58:21.427

0 I need something like an EEE box, only with RAID 1 2010-08-31T11:12:53.183

0 Installing SVN on OS X Lion Server 2012-02-16T13:37:44.550

0 how to use svn and netbeans for a shared hosting with cPanel control panel 2012-06-04T05:06:55.873

0 What user does SVN use to access files on Debian? (no repository found in ...) 2013-02-10T14:45:12.963

0 SVN Automatically updating working copies 2014-01-13T17:38:46.577

0 Can't get websvn working 2015-03-01T16:27:37.000

0 VisualSVN Server, how to list users? 2016-07-20T21:47:29.357

0 svn server with jenkins integration- someone help me with the procedure 2019-05-14T10:51:45.560

0 SVN Repo Migration shows huge difference 2019-06-18T09:33:25.713