Tag: stty

11 How do I restore input echoing in the terminal? 2014-12-31T00:30:14.947

5 Ruby commands are turning off tty echo 2014-03-03T18:23:17.360

4 Bash command substitution not working as expected 2013-06-24T12:37:48.817

2 Receiving data from Serial Port 2015-12-06T02:43:28.463

2 What is the discard option in `stty -a`? It uses `^O` 2016-04-27T12:24:35.653

2 Make stty setting permanent 2016-07-02T13:03:29.317

1 Terminal without echo 2013-04-12T09:04:42.027

1 Ctrl key not detected in Terminal 2015-01-30T11:43:00.887

1 Why does my backspace key keep being unbound from erase? 2015-06-12T17:27:46.913

1 Super Key notation for stty 2017-02-14T03:38:51.697

1 How to modify the behavior of the commands that delete "words" to the left 2018-08-13T18:12:18.277

1 How to suppress "stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device" in Jenkins console 2019-02-07T05:42:14.360

1 How to permanently change Ctrl + C to Ctrl + K in CentOS 7? 2019-03-29T03:53:15.670

0 stty doesn't change serial port speed in cygwin 2012-10-26T19:27:16.230

0 How to run a virtual machine with no graphics card (VGA) configured in VirtualBox 2016-01-13T18:29:45.543

0 UART baudrate is configurable by `screen` but not by `stty` 2016-12-31T18:47:48.540

0 Periodic input to Windows gitbash terminal 2017-03-08T20:48:18.393

0 screen and $TERM and misformatted vi 2017-10-04T20:47:22.463

0 agetty: unrecognized characters after login in buildroot (systemd) 2019-05-02T13:29:43.100

0 stty in .profile causes: "stty: 'standard input': Inappropriat ioctl for device 2019-06-17T10:31:21.203

0 Why might I not see stty key changes reflected in "stty -a" 2019-10-17T18:41:59.070