Tag: strace

8 Linux equivalent to Mac OS X's fs_usage 2011-12-21T02:05:45.787

7 Will strace watch system calls recursively on child processes of the main process being observed? 2009-12-07T14:58:09.287

6 Debugging connection timeouts using strace? 2012-06-13T11:33:05.207

6 Why strace sudo command bombs when sudo command works? 2016-03-30T14:33:37.693

4 Why do strace/truss sometimes 'fix' stuck processes? 2010-04-23T05:48:53.340

4 How do I strace the whole system? 2012-07-20T15:17:23.113

4 Interfacing strace with Process Name instead of PID 2013-01-11T00:42:54.553

3 Understanding the strace output on a mac 2013-08-02T23:43:19.053

3 docker version hangs before server info 2016-05-24T15:40:14.583

3 What can trigger a SIGPWR signal that interrupts a 'sendmsg' system call? 2017-03-06T01:07:28.683

2 How does 'strace' work? 2011-08-03T00:29:23.617

2 How to calculate and group the time differences of specified syscalls when running strace 2012-08-08T09:53:28.927

2 how to collect all files, that are opened by linux application 2014-03-26T14:26:23.107

2 why doesn't strace work on gcc -c 2015-07-03T04:47:44.793

2 why doesn't strace use test syscalls to find out their indices in the system call table? 2015-07-23T23:51:30.417

2 How to find out the reason why ssh processes are hanging? 2016-02-19T10:54:37.230

1 Strange strace and setuid behaviour: permission denied under strace, but not running normally 2011-02-19T18:44:54.550

1 What is a SIG_0 when looking at an strace 2013-05-08T21:06:36.317

1 Tracing syscalls 2014-01-14T07:25:49.387

1 ntfs disk dying or..? rsync and mkdir failing, strange behavior 2014-05-16T19:27:36.473

1 strace to discover sudo password persistence location 2015-04-29T04:20:17.177

1 Is it possible to strace pinging a host? 2017-06-14T17:56:27.697

1 How to properly unescape strace output 2018-05-25T23:59:34.233

1 Why accept4() is slow with Apache? 2019-05-25T11:14:59.377

0 Correlating strace output to source code function calls 2013-05-13T16:47:04.317

0 Tool similar to `strace` but for CPU instructions 2015-01-26T17:02:16.580

0 Assistance remembering the name of a Linux “strace”-based tool for file paths mocking 2015-03-04T08:19:53.617

0 dtruss SQL-Queries on Mac OSX 2015-03-19T21:54:43.810

0 strace reports incorrect relative path? 2015-06-24T19:12:56.977

0 Is it secure to send strace log to third-party person? 2016-01-05T19:41:52.910

0 make strace print EUID 2016-03-21T13:37:53.637

0 dnsmasq; log querying process 2016-04-10T13:20:38.423

0 Libreoffice is eating all cpu 2018-01-17T12:58:58.487

0 Intercept environment variables read by a process 2018-02-21T16:40:53.017

0 What’s the command line equivalent of strace on Windows? 2018-12-26T19:53:34.263

0 2 java processing hanging for about 2.8s 2019-02-01T07:44:37.147

0 How to escape from Strace in linux? 2019-04-19T18:06:11.277

0 Strace and auditd do not help me to view readed files by proccess 2019-05-05T08:43:05.810