Tag: stdout

272 Can I make cURL fail with an exitCode different than 0 if the HTTP status code is not 200? 2013-05-01T12:37:26.400

169 How do you redirect wget response to standard out? 2011-08-09T22:13:10.083

55 Log rotation of stdout? 2011-06-01T04:58:21.747

32 Windows: Command line redirection to text file while also seeing output 2011-05-02T17:43:45.930

28 How to tar/untar the output on the fly 2011-10-11T16:26:21.657

27 Pipe gunzip and mysql to gunzip a dump and import it 2012-03-19T11:55:14.003

25 Watching something be written to a file live with tail 2019-04-03T23:31:13.317

23 Determine if output is stdout or stderr 2012-07-25T22:41:22.227

21 Why does the output of some Linux programs go to neither STDOUT nor STDERR? 2013-07-03T11:43:37.210

18 Copy terminal output to Mac clipboard? 2012-03-09T18:14:21.453

14 tee for Windows? 2009-11-23T05:22:12.500

12 Windows how to redirect file parameter to stdout? (Windows equivalent of `/dev/stdout`) 2011-02-03T16:01:54.327

12 Two Programs having their StdIn and StdOut tied 2016-07-15T22:58:17.677

9 Different output when redirecting 2011-10-31T18:11:40.730

9 How can I stop cat output immediately despite massive output? 2013-07-02T14:32:30.780

9 How to get stdout of a "lost" session 2015-07-31T14:55:12.663

8 Encrypting to standard output with gnupg 2012-03-08T00:59:04.883

8 How can I pipe the output of *all* entered shell commands into another? (e.g. pipe everything into 'lolcat') 2013-08-08T15:04:53.073

8 Peek at `at` output before it completes 2017-01-07T14:37:26.097

7 Redirect Eclipse's console / ouput to a text file 2013-03-20T12:39:53.447

7 Why can I see password prompts through redirecting output? 2013-03-21T14:43:45.473

6 copy (split?) stdout instead of redirecting it 2011-02-27T15:22:52.937

6 Redirect 7-Zip's command-line output to /dev/null on Windows when extracting a .7z file 2011-05-11T14:38:47.880

5 pipe a program into less 2010-09-25T20:41:41.247

5 Any way to stream a file in linux 2012-08-16T13:19:59.443

5 What does > /dev/null 2>&1 || true mean in Linux? 2017-02-17T12:11:41.187

4 Any way to view stdout of a program after it has been started in gnome-shell? 2013-06-13T04:56:37.883

4 How to echo only 1st line from 'curl' command output? 2016-02-19T11:19:59.387

4 How to truncate file used to redirect stdout 2017-04-25T12:26:12.763

4 How can I redirect output from stdout into vim? 2018-10-24T11:28:17.350

3 stdout and stderr of script doesn't get redirected when executed by cron 2010-03-28T21:17:32.997

3 What is the use of binary output on stdout? 2011-09-13T06:45:31.453

3 How to open the stdout with Notepad++? 2012-05-14T07:48:41.510

3 Redirect stdout to a file when process is run in background 2012-07-19T19:32:58.537

3 Is it possible to send the output of -w and -o Curl streams to different files? How? 2013-02-27T20:47:08.027

3 shell standard streams redirection order OR 2>&1 1>/dev/null vs 1>/dev/null 2>&1 2015-02-26T21:12:02.350

3 PowerShell v5: Suppress Out-Default output in nested functions 2016-03-28T08:45:31.920

3 Configure .bashrc to save all commands and output 2019-09-10T14:32:43.870

2 java -version doesn't write to stdout? 2010-05-20T09:25:24.773

2 Doing arithmetic and passing it to the next command 2010-12-23T16:21:39.007

2 Redirecting to /dev/null and a file at the same time 2012-11-19T13:11:21.280

2 How to get rid of UDP checksum error messages in virtual console? 2013-03-01T10:04:28.160

2 zcat | head : write error from large gz file 2013-04-26T18:16:33.290

2 What happens if dd encounters errors while output of dd is being piped to gzip? 2013-07-22T04:12:56.557

2 Using the same file as stdin and stdout results in empty file 2013-09-16T10:18:49.897

2 Receiving FFMPEG error -22 when piping data to stdout 2014-05-29T05:37:46.047

2 Using PuTTY SSH, how do I capture the remote output of a command? 2015-04-07T19:33:00.837

2 python2.7 from macports stdin issue 2015-08-31T06:55:27.203

2 reading stdout in pipeline using "-" fails for "docker exec" 2016-01-07T00:23:25.450

2 See contents of conhost 2016-04-26T19:02:41.233

1 How to I configure Eclipse PDT 2.1 to display PHP CLI output in the console? 2009-10-19T10:58:47.557

1 user crontabs don't work, only /etc/crontab 2010-03-29T00:16:23.450

1 Keep stdout on screen AND in File 2010-05-26T18:31:21.963

1 Do each application need to support writing to /dev/stdout or /dev/fd1 or is that handled transparently by the OS? 2011-03-26T04:26:01.593

1 bash - record output after program execution 2011-07-29T14:34:17.357

1 How can you move (or copy) all files of a certain type to a directory in Unix? 2012-02-02T21:18:46.423

1 reading output of a python file being logged in the console 2013-02-28T05:48:33.187

1 Stdout and stderror in CentOS 2013-09-16T17:58:29.070

1 How to quieten tcpdump output when reading a pcap file? 2014-03-24T23:38:19.153

1 How do I output a variable without changing if it has a newline or not in a shell script? 2014-09-08T23:14:25.443

1 How to split and recombine stdout pipe in bash? 2014-10-15T22:04:17.283

1 Redirect stderr to second terminal / tty 2015-04-14T00:37:24.543

1 Unexpected BPython console output behaviour 2015-10-30T14:22:18.007

1 How to unset a ">" echo in Linux 2016-02-07T02:26:04.023

1 Redirect STDERR and STDOUT to file with timestamp on each line 2016-03-17T13:33:46.640

1 Parsing (or Converting) Buffered Output 2016-03-25T19:52:28.903

1 How to terminate a cli app when stdout contains a certain string? 2016-06-16T19:03:50.037

1 How do I redirect output from python to file 2016-12-09T09:15:30.983

1 Multiple stdout to one stdin 2017-02-03T01:20:01.770

1 PID of TTY/stdout users 2017-05-06T22:05:03.603

1 Piping StdOut adds more text 2017-08-30T12:04:41.943

1 Is there a Windows program for loading child process images with redirected stdout/stderr? 2018-09-05T15:10:14.967

1 How to pipe output of command to another command while also displaying it on the console? 2018-10-24T00:02:49.007

1 How non entry point (random) process running inside Windows Container could write to docker default log output (stdout)? 2019-02-04T11:48:25.063

0 stdout and key press 2010-03-09T10:24:05.620

0 linux output show only right of ':' 2010-05-17T11:18:58.597

0 Piping results back into the program that generates them 2011-06-17T08:03:40.423

0 STDOUT redirection to a file does not work if Groovy script run directly from command line (.groovy in PATHEXT) 2011-12-22T21:04:09.017

0 bash: redirect the stderr/stdout of a running process? 2012-01-26T13:41:11.877

0 How to redirect a part of stderr and stdout to /dev/null 2013-12-18T10:29:25.270

0 How to get stdout of another program 2014-06-12T14:52:44.503

0 `if` statement with stdout && passing xargs through pipe 2014-10-13T19:04:35.297

0 Which is the preferred approach to pass command/script arguments to a log file? 2015-02-08T16:04:50.760

0 Modify terminal STDOUT/STDERR to change the line colour based on a REGEX 2015-05-08T10:38:34.903

0 Weird result of initiating a variable with the output of 'git describe' 2015-07-15T20:28:44.330

0 How to stop background processes from outputting permanently? 2016-02-22T00:33:02.170

0 how to see the output of a cron/at jobs while it is still running? 2016-04-15T15:39:31.000

0 Disable stdout in Windows commands 2017-04-14T16:33:05.423

0 How to list processes using my current terminal for their stdout/stderr 2017-06-07T23:17:45.770

0 How to make a background process foreground in Linux 2017-07-20T06:56:11.047

0 PowerShell: **reading** input from the keyboard AND **redirecting output** to a variable/file 2018-01-01T21:55:47.303

0 How to redirect stdout and stderr in bash script with dialog boxes? 2018-04-06T17:32:36.683

0 Unexpected result while using pipe operator inside a shell variable 2018-04-30T21:10:00.030

0 Bash Output-Prompt 2018-10-26T07:52:14.143

0 Extract tar file directly to stdout or other command like partition image extractor 2019-01-10T11:42:38.470

0 grep output is not in stdout or stderr 2019-02-13T10:27:20.037

0 how to send the decompressed output of archives to standard output? 2019-09-04T06:04:01.847

0 Run a windows command line utility allowing it to display its output to screen AND loggin it to file.txt 2020-02-05T12:51:13.300

0 How to pipe stdout into stdin of optipng? 2020-02-29T12:57:32.253